Monday, September 12, 2011

FlashForward - Episode 15: "Queen Sacrifice"

This is a chess thing. I know what chess is. That means D. (D stands for Douchebag) Gibbons is probably going to make an appearance. Although why this guy goes by D. Gibbons when he's actually named something entirely different is a very good question that I hope gets answered.

LAST TIME: The majority of the FBI and Friends went to Africa, where all non-named characters were shot by a vicious warlord. The one who had to stay home got in a lot of fights with his wife. Also Nurse Guy apparently forgot about his Future Girlfriend and instead spent a lot of time flirting with Babysitter and tells her he has cancer. Have you forgotten he has cancer? You wouldn’t be blamed.

0:28 Oh thank God the Japanese Future Girlfriend gets some play in the preview. I was seriously concerned that they forgot about her.

1:29 Somehow that bullet to his shoulder broke his arm.

2:00 Do you have to eat burritos while on the counterterrorism force? Are you not allowed to go for cheeseburgers? How often a day do you have to eat?

So…she really does kick him out of the house for those perceived relationship problems from last episode? Can’t they just…get over it?

3:34 DUN DUN! Return of the bracelet!

4:34 Hang the fuck on. This asshole has flashforwarded to 2010 hundred of times and he always ends up on March 15th? What the hell are the odds?

6:26 When the hell did Magician Guy join the FBI? Were we supposed to just gloss over that?

7:20 UM! An exact inverse of an equation is still the same equation. It doesn’t change anything. What the hell kind of gibberish are you talking about?

Frost faked his death BEFORE the first Somalian blackout? The hell?

9:28 NO SERIOUSLY! How the hell does the FBI manage? They just translated three games of chess into a motherfucking phone number!

11:14 The Japanese chick has been going into the sushi shop every day in hopes that her future boyfriend will show up.

12:14 OH! Are they going to play Scrabble? Oh no wait, they are going to that sushi restaurant to have some awkward bullshit.

13:02 Where are they that they are in full view of the Golden Gate?

14:27 The CIA Agent suddenly summon all of his friends. All of them.

What is up, Seth MacFarlane? What the hell are you doing here?

16:48 I…thought this guy was CIA? How the hell did he get FBI staff to work for him?

Really? That bald guy has access to your office? Why?

19:28 Seth MacFarlane looks at a lot of hentai.

19:45 WHAT? Apparently Seth’s character actually plays an MMO at work. And he’s 7th level. So…the writers of FlashForward have no fucking idea what MMOs are.

21:11 Japanese Lady takes her tiny guitar with her everywhere.

21:55 That was the finest act of racism I have ever seen!

22:30 Oh right! Japanese Lady was actually trained in robotics. I kinda forgot that because it was five episodes ago.

24:15 The FBI Lesbian was apparently looking into various coworkers' past histories. Because…

25:25 He isn’t here because you are wearing an ugly butterfly raincoat.

26:01 The camera lingered on that guy as if we were supposed to recognize him.

Stop showing that guy! We have not seen him before, so constantly showing him means nothing.
28:58 For them it’s like Japanese, so I assume that you can handle it, because you are Japanese. You see what I did there?

29:50 I like that there was a single guy who was ready to get back to work no matter what. He is the anchor to the entire team.

32:19 The best day of her life was when she went on a date with a white guy?

33:05 And…he’s on a date with Babysitter chick. Great job, Japanese Lady.

33:34 You have never heard of Gremlins? The hell is your problem, Nurse Guy?

34:15 OH SHIT! They totally kissed!

34:46 And his Future Girlfriend was literally RIGHT THERE! It’s like fate hates this lady.

37:40 They are ready to prosecute a lady because she doesn’t use sugar in her coffee. (Actual plot point.)

Seth MacFarlane NO! How will you produce more unwatchable television now?!

CATFIGHT! (Woo woo!)

40:51 I remember that phrase from the episode title!

OH FUCK! It’s What’s-his-name! He’s a Bad Guy! I think!

41:40 Charlie sleeps with lesbians, apparently.

42:26 WHAT?! FBI Lesbian is also a plant? What? What? WHAT?

Verdict: The hits keep on coming! Still interested, still curious. (Little weird to see Seth in the mix this episode though. Seriously, what the damn?)

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