Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Avengers #4

You guys like splash covers that convey absolutely nothing? Because this has to be like the fourth one we’ve had so far. Out of four. Although I hadn’t noticed that Spider-Woman’s costume has fins or something on it. Is that so she can swim better? Does Spider-Woman swim?

LAST TIME: After that totally climactic prison fight that we sure did see, Captain America wants to get the Avengers back together, but without the influence of governments or secretive headquarters. So he invites all his friends and Spider-Woman, who works for a government organization, and they go to Stark Tower, where they will operate unbeknownst to the public. Going well so far! Oh, and Spider-Woman is probably evil.

Page 1, Panel 2: Spider-Woman is completely overwhelmed to see Jarvis. Because she can’t be impressed with this rather pedestrian rich guy apartment.

Page 2, Panel 2: You will address Maria Hill by her entire title or she will act like a bitch. She might do that anyway.

Page 2, Panel 4: If Captain America is talking, maybe put him in the panel? It’s an idea. (Also, what’s a Full Champion License? This is before Civil War, isn’t it?)

Page 3, Panel 1: Are any of these conversations going to make any sense, or are they just going to be sentences slammed mercilessly into each other?

Page 4, Panel 2: Jessica Drew is attractive in costume, is the point they are going for.

Page 4, Panel 3: Really, you think Spider-Man and Spider-Woman might know each other, Luke Cage?

Page 5, Panel 2: Is that can they’re passing around the bong? Why are they just sitting around jawing? Go fight crime!

Page 6, Panel 1: Who’s the guy with the fat neck? I want to hear the story about how he managed to escape.

Page 6, Panel 8: I don’t even know if Spider-Man is joking about being able to tell his arch villains by the shape of their shoulders.

Page 7, Panel 3: Electro has been eating at the same restaurant for the last three weeks, and apparently paid with a credit card every time.

Page 8, Panel 1: That’s a plane. You know what planes look like.

Page 10, Panel 4: Wait, she hasn’t seen him in two weeks? I thought he was coming to this restaurant every day. Did he just keep missing her shift?

Page 11, Panel 1: They snuck up on Electro just they could dramatically pose at him.

Page 12, Panel 1: That is the perfect reaction to being caught. “Crap!”

Page 13, Panel 7: Luke man, he’s defenseless in a plastic bubble. How are you going to get to him to beat the crap out of him?

Page 14, Panel 5: Or you could you tell them where you are! Just because they can triangulate your position doesn’t mean they should have to.

Page 14, Panel 6: HAHA! The webbing is stuck on Luke Cage’s hands. That’s what you get for being all tough.

Page 15, Panel 3: Language, Ms. Drew!

Page 15, Panel 5: All the criminals instantly sold out Electro for a goddamn donut.

Page 16, Panel 5: That’s a super useful mutant power, turning into a vampire dinosaur.

Page 17, Panel 1: Of course the bad guy who can turn into a dinosaur lives in the Savage Land. That’s where the dinosaurs are.

Page 18, Panel 2: What what, there’s nudity in the Savage Land? (eyebrow)

Page 19, Panel 4: So…why is it a given that you will crash here? Is there some weird kind of atmosphere thing? Or just dinosaurs?

Page 20, Panel 4: And the plane exploded for no reason.

Page 21, Panel 1: Oh never mind T. Rex! That’s a good reason!

Page 22: Hey there Wolverine. What the hell are you doing here? And why can’t we see your face?

Verdict: The dialogue is getting really sloppy, and some of these plot points are just despicable. The donut thing? Makes me so so mad. Also Electro acted like a baby for no reason. But hey, Savage Land is always fun.

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