Monday, August 29, 2011

FlashForward - Episode 13: "Blowback"

Really? More violence? Don’t you think the body count of that last foray was a little much? Now we gotta talk about innocent people being hurt by our government being dicks? (Note: I learned something today!) Well already, fine, there are still 5.8 billion people left, let’s see how many more we can kill.

LAST TIME: Charlie and Magician Man are saved in a fit of insanity, Babysitter falls deeper in love with Nurse Guy, and then we spend a good half the episode watching Charlie try to escape FBI Lesbian and get to hear about all the people who have been directly or indirectly killed by him. Answer: It’s a lot of guys! But it turns out he’s wrapped in the shadow organization that is doing all of this, and he doesn’t like it.

0:58 Oh, so that’s what everyone else was up to during our Charlie Power Hour?

1:23 Wait, Beardo was in prison? For what?

2:05 Who is this creepy perv police man? First, his daughter looks about 13 in this flashback. She even has braces. He deserves to be punched.

Ah, the ever present BEER sign. I love that sign.

3:22 Was there an accent above the i in Brian in that guy’s name? How snobbish can he be?

4:44 HEY! They filed the paperwork to destroy the gun that would kill him! Smart move!

5:37 Ug, this still. Where are you going to get the sperm, lady? Where?

6:00 I’m mad at you for murdering my boyfriend in the future! You dick!

7:10 What’s up, large men at my doorstep?

8:19 Grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches? Why would you grill them?

8:43 So, we’re going to go over to this organization that’s trying to kill you, and tell them what’s for!

10:32 So…you save two men in a case of blatant and illegal vigilantism and you’re suddenly back on the force?

11:35 Dmitri’s girlfriend is suddenly turning into a villain? Isn’t this a huge breach of security? Can’t her doing this get Dmitri fired?

13:02 Mike! Hey! I can’t wait for you to die, character we haven’t seen before!

13:31 Oh, this is Tracy’s ex-boyfriend, who figured out almost immediately that dead daughter is totally alive because of one stupid phone call.

14:52 There is something creepy written on the mirror!

15:10 He wrote his formula on the mirror? Why, did he study physics at Creepy Boyfriend College?

17:16 Oh crap they did fire him! Oh no, he was just taking the box of evidence to his bitchy girlfriend.

18:01 Okay, that line didn’t seem like a natural lead-in to a soft rock ballad.

18:25 Are they putting her unconscious body in a box? That seems rude.

19:10 Ah, the 21 whiskey shot salute.

19:50 How did a pot of boiling water catch on fire?

20:21 Yes, go punch the shit out of that asshole character we haven’t seen before.

Yessir, just fleeing in the most conspicuous way possible!

23:13 Truck fight! Truck fight!

23:30 You know what everyone? Let’s all stop saying “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You know. You know!

25:20 Well okay, fine. A traumatic event caused her to reconsider her priorities. I will stop gripping, but man I hate this plot point.

26:22 Dyson Frost? That’s a dumb name. And if that’s his real name, why would they still call him D. Gibbons?

27:12 She’s…also six. So she doesn’t really understand a lot of things.

Guy! Let him finish! You didn’t give him time to explain.

29:48 Can you do a background check on this guy? He’s currently at a child’s birthday party. No idea why. Seems pretty random.

30:44 Hey, this crazy chick again! When are you ever going to be important?

31:47 Who else would he call? He’s from the state power department!

32:24 Stop saying that! Everybody knows everything!

33:15 Wait, are they expecting something dangerous to happen in Somalia? They’re only going there to look at birds, right?

34:10 Um, run! Guy just put out a hit on you! And then said he going to jump in a bounce house! Those are designed for children, not adults! He’s a psychopath!

35:38 I just remembered we had no idea where Charlie was, because FBI Lesbian has been back in town for days now, and he just walked in, so…good timing on them.

37:13 You guys really plan to go to the same beach you saw from the flashforward? Wouldn’t that be super creepy?

38:35 Don’t worry about me, I’m good, just going into a secret life of revenge-fueled vigilantism. From now on you can call me BatBeardo.

38:54 Holy mother of god. Beardo has gone off the deep end. That’s dark business, sir.

39:48 You need a blowtorch? I can get one for you! What do you mean where‘d that come from? We were talking about cupcakes, right?

Wait, FBI Guy’s badge is still in the evidence box? Hasn’t he been reinstated? Wouldn’t he need that?

Verdict: The plots are finally started to splinter, they acknowledge the big baby crisis so maybe they’ll stop bringing it up so I’ll stop complaining, the Dmitri’s girlfriend thing was pretty dumb, and Beardo’s descent into madness was a bit terrifying to watch. But there are some interesting stuffs going on, stuff I kinda want to see happen! That’s exciting!

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