Monday, June 6, 2011

An Introduction

Frankly, I needed something else to do, so here I am.

This idea started when I forced myself to watch what I found to be a pretty subpar TV show. I had gotten really into the Lost phenomenon during its last season, and after that found its ending (which I will not comment about), I saw the desperation that the networks felt to replicate it. They were hunting for a great event show, with lots of mysteries, and somehow they stumbled upon The Event, billed as an anti-Lost, with promises to answer questions and not be needlessly cryptic. What this amounted to was pointless mysteries and sideplots that were constantly getting dropped. I watched all 22 episodes, making snide comments while watching on Twitter. It become something I really liked doing, and I actually received a few positive comments, which I wasn't expected because I thought I was being super-annoying. It was so much fun that I also occasionally would watch CGI movies (which are always awful) and snark on those as well.

Now the Event is dead and gone, after a completely awful ending that explained nothing and completely invalidated ten episodes worth of conflict, and I'm at a loss of what to do. I want to do more, but I also don't want to make my personal twitter account a huge tangle of nonsense that nobody wants to read. So I'm officially detaching my snarky livetweeting from my account and doing it here, consistently. I'll be expanding that which I force myself to watch to two TV series; one very similar to The Event, with all its stupid, melodramatic twists, and another in the opposite direction, a goofy but still terrible series that I haven't decided on yet. I'll also be restarting my CGI movies series on the weekends, and will add some regular snark about comic books, because I like comic books and rarely get to talk about them. Plus, some tiny ideas that I've fostered on my twitter account are going to added as interludes, as well some actual non-dickish reviews.

The whole thing kicks off tonight where I sit down and start watching the 2009 series that tried so so hard to beat Lost (and got screwed due to audience syphon), FlashForward. After that late night hiccup, it should adjust to early morning updates. Thank you for reading, and hey, tell your friends or whatever.

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