Monday, June 27, 2011

FlashForward - Episode 4: "Black Swan"

I would make a joke about Natalie Portman going insane, but that’s not really a joke, just acknowledging something else is also named “Black Swan,“ so I’m going to skip it. Plus I still need to see that movie first.

LAST TIME: We’re introduced to half a dozen new characters, including Dmitri’s girlfriend, some drunk’s wife, token black operative, A NAZI, and a creepy death tower in the middle of Africa. Okay, that last one wasn’t a character, but I imagine we’ll see it again. Anyway, it took letting a war criminal out of jail to realize that sudden bird death might be an indication that this weird blackout thing has happened before. Latching on to this clue, the FBI team will surely do something interesting.

0:22 What is up characters we haven’t seen since the first episode? Will you be featured in this episode?

0:43 Is this France? What’s with the rinky dinky clarinet music?

1:20 Please enjoy these people drowning to a horrible jazz song.

2:03 Ender Husing! Ender Husing! Ender Husing!

2:43 Saved a person from drowning, did the Australian crawl to the shore, and then realize I’m a huge nerd!

3:48 NO! NO! Don’t show us this jerk in leather pants!

4:32 He was black in the future? This is a legitimate question, what happens when crazy people flash forward?

5:24 How does Dmitri’s girlfriend know that they hauled in a blonde 14 days ago? How could she possibly know that?

6:54 Oh! Sleezy teenager was the babysitter, not their daughter. She’s actually drunko’s daughter.

8:03 Fets, the potato chip that is different enough from a known brand to avoid copyright infringement.

8:57 Flying lunch tray!

9:20 Did that kid throw the tray? Because he doesn’t look nearly strong enough. He’s wearing a bandage on his head.

10:40 Mr. Cheetos Dust.

11:05 Why is he interviewing the known terrorist? Maybe to gain some possible information? Do some work?

11:50 How not to be respected in the interview room? Use the term “super-dead.”

12:16 What is with this lady’s neck? It looks like she has an alien growing in there.

12:46 Someone else knows something about Dmitri that they shouldn’t know. Is he sleeptalking? Sleepblogging?

14:22 What is that lady doing? Collecting change? Because that usually doesn’t require so many hand movements.

16:03 This waiter looked into the future and saw that they are adding frozen yogurt to their menu.


17:02 First thought on hearing soundtrack: “Is there some asshole playing the trumpet?” Next shot: Some asshole playing the trumpet.”

17:45 How has everyone in this trailer park not beating the shit out of this trumpet-playing guy?

18:12 The briefcase is actually labeled “Yellow Cake.” It must be uranium!

18:32 Surprise! It’s full of weed!

20:25 Blond terrorist told me I was running out of time, then I stopped and realized I knew exactly when I’m going to die, and I have plenty of time to worry about it.

21:50 No she is not. That is a crap drawing.

22:23 Yes, it is, because the answer to the question is interesting. Stop being a butt about this.

23:52 She has a good point! Just because they assume they are fine in the future because of their vision doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do some proper doctoring!

24:44 Bryant Gumble, take a drink. (Wait, what?)

25:00 That is the greatest shirt!

25:32 What? You keep crickets in your desk? What the fuck for? And why did they only make noise at that particular moment?

26:52 This is Aubrey Ridgeway’s phone number, I don’t feel like talking to you anymore, so talk to her instead.

27:37 Wouldn’t want to be late to his murder!

28:15 Stop putting in cuts to him as a black guy. He is an extremely unconvincing black guy.

30:44 Oh god, he has Clone Wars bedsheets? Poor kid.

30:55 Didn’t this guy have brain bleeding? Why are they operating on his chest?

33:13 How did you know…oh. He posted it on the Internet. Wait a minute, isn’t she in the pen? Why does she has access to the Internet?

34:15 A swan that is black? Oh, a metaphor.

34:27 There’s that damn kangaroo again.

35:11 I understand they are trying to give this lady a Hannibal Lector vibe to her, but mildly pretty ladies do not make good Hannibals. Also, not that good of actor.

35:55 Oh hey! Token black agent again! Are you almost getting a plot there buddy? Because it sure is taking you a while.

This guy is getting over suicidal tendencies pretty well.

38:26 See what I did there? Roller blade guy? Rolling on out? Huh? Huh? Get it?

39:33 Nicole, you are part of the family. So much so that it was difficult for viewers to tell you weren’t my daughter in the first episode.

40:46 I’m going to have a detective friend come talk to you about your insane vision.

Oh shit Simon is calling! And he is not happy about your accent!

Hey! It’s Charlie from Lost! And he’s a bad guy!

Verdict: That was a bit of a snoozer, in which they slowing advanced their plot lines in a boring predicable way. Father finds out how to talk to his son, confused guy comes forward with his worries, some boring medical drama crap. But it was nice of them to acknowledge those two character they showed us two episodes ago, because I almost forgot they existed.

*FlashForward is available on Netflix InstantWatch and Hulu. FlashForward is property of the American Broadcasting Company.

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