Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bud Light - Port Paradise

Bud Light: Our product will cause you to do things that you will be ashamed of and won't want to tell another soul about. We consider this a positive.

Also, the Port Authority doesn't give a fuck what you did on vacation, just as long as you didn't try to buy 20 pounds of cigars without giving Uncle Sam his cut. So yes, you do in fact have nothing to declare, since it seems you morons forgot to bring luggage on your little trip.

I do like that they run out of universal symbols of trouble's-a-brewing in the first four sets, so the rest of the line is just filled with insane imagery, as well a few crude surfaces to slap the logo on. My favorite is probably the guy wearing Bud Light cardboardmail. He was apparently bored and sober enough to spend the whole trip fashioning a crude set of armor for himself, and wanted to show it off to all those jerks who actually had fun on the trip.

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