Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Son of Hulk - Issue 16: "Enemy at the Gates"

I too would be wary of someone with blood-soaked hands, Galactus. Your apprehension is appropriate.

LAST TIME: Everyone apparently excepts Hiro as a god, and he decides to be super dickish to everyone. The other two factions on the planet, the space Russians and the hot ladies, join forces with some traitor lady to try and kill him. It’ll probably go nowhere. Also, Galactus yelled at us.

Page 1, Panel 1: Fine boys? Weird thing to call your conscripted soldiers.

Page 1, Panel 5: Who said you were allowed to get killed? Get up, maggot!

Page 2, Panel 3: DUDE. Be chill, he’s standing right over there…

Page 2, Panel 4: I’m just saying, maybe it would have been better to have him kill us out right instead of trying to follow him and live an extra week.

Page 3, Panel 1: So, dudes in cars then?

Page 3, Panel 2: Hang on, yeah, why the hell is Axeman Bone and his cronies fighting here anyway? Why aren't they chilling in their spaceship with all the insect people?

Page 4, Panel 2: Pshoo. Pshoo.

Page 5, Panel 5: Is that a net? Are you hiding in a net?

Page 7, Panel 1: When did they have time to make a statue of him?

Page 7, Panel 4: Gah…I really hate when they string together sentences across different scenes. It BUGS me.

Page 8, Panel 2: There is a ton of shit going on, how is anyone even feeling these earthquakes they keep mentioning. Also, earthquakes, really hard to portray in comics when they aren’t the only thing happening.

Page 9, Panel 1: Oh shit, a crazy ass splash page in which you can’t even tell what is happening except RED.

Page 10, Panel 3: Jesus, has his axe always been that big? How is he even carrying it?

Page 10, Panel 5: It’s official, he’s an insane lunatic who will sacrifice the lives of everyone he knows for no good reason.

Page 11, Panel 3: Yeah, whatever, Statler.

Page 11, Panel 5: Wait, why did yellow-shirt die? Did he choke on a peach pit? Don’t eat those, pal.

Page 12, Panel 2: Steaming pile of idiots.

Page 12, Panel 5: Or, you know, take them prisoner, since they are citizens of our state, therefore ‘arrest’ isn’t the right term here.

Page 13, Panel 5: Hold up, I can’t help but notice that your head looks like its going to explode. What’s up?

Page 13, Panel 7: Oh, your head exploded. Didn’t see that coming.

Page 13, Panel 8: What do you mean what just happened?! We were all there, we saw it.

Page 15, Panel 1: How much more cover do you need, guys? Marcus Fenix would be more than happen with that chest-high wall you got there.

Page 15, Panel 3: He’s not stopping you pal. He looks pretty paralyzed to me, you can do whatever you want.

Page 15, Panel 4:
Well…not us personally, but you get it.

Page 15, Panel 6: Man, I’m sure going to miss that guy that, as far as I can tell, we were introduced to at the beginning of the page.

Page 16, Panel 4: You tell ‘em, sister! Hear you roar!

Page 16, Panel 5: Wait, it’s three thousand years now? Wasn’t it four thousand last issue? Is a single person writing this, or a collection of forgetful monkeys?

Page 17, Panel 6: I am super popular on YouTube! My subscribers are going to roast you alive!

Page 17, Panel 8: Oh dear all their heads a splode.

Page 18, Panel 2: Fire the gun you mean? I can totally fire the gun!

Page 18, Panel 4: You see…I was just going to stand here and get shot with a cannon, but your plan works too.

Page 19, Panel 1: No, just the conduits. If everything was broken, I would tell you. Don’t make assumptions.

Page 19, Panel 4: So…this kid can make anything explode anywhere, right? Why was he just…waiting to do this?

Page 20, Panel 4: You’re making it rain. Sure…that seems like something you can do.

Page 22, Panel 1:

Page 22, Panel 2: Oh shit that is a good twist. Hiro wanted to be Galactus’s herald, so he was preparing this shitty world for him. Nice.

Verdict: 20 pages of bullshit exploding followed by a neat twist. A twist that makes no sense, since Hiro hates Galactus, but I can see how preparing this planet as a tasty morsel for Mr. Purple Helmet is reasonable. Why he had to be such a dick about it, I don’t get, but at least he made a lot of heads explode, that was fun.

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