Netflix Synopsis: Ah, life in suburbia: neatly mown lawns, tidy McMansions cowering behind securely locked gates: This is the life Nick (Frank Grillo) longs for, and this is the life he gets when he signs on as police chief in a planned community. Too bad his neighbors aren't human. With wolves in sheeps' clothing -- or more accurately werewolves and witches -- all around him, the new chief has his hands full protecting the community in this supernatural drama.
Wolves in sheeps’ clothing, get it?! With a title like the Gates, and from the trailer I saw a couple of years ago, I was assuming this was a True Blood clone, so it would be vampires. But I guess changing to werewolves proves it as a clone, I guess. This also might be the first show I’ve done on here in which I don’t recognize any of the actors. That will cut down on all my good “previous works” jokes. Because everyone loved those.
Wolves in sheeps’ clothing, get it?! With a title like the Gates, and from the trailer I saw a couple of years ago, I was assuming this was a True Blood clone, so it would be vampires. But I guess changing to werewolves proves it as a clone, I guess. This also might be the first show I’ve done on here in which I don’t recognize any of the actors. That will cut down on all my good “previous works” jokes. Because everyone loved those.