Saturday, December 24, 2011

Yes Virginia

Netflix Synopsis: Set in 1897, this animated holiday tale follows the efforts of plucky, 8-year-old Virginia as she crisscrosses New York City to discover whether there really is a Santa Claus. Her answer comes from an unlikely source -- a crusty newspaper editor.

Well that’s not a nice thing to say about the newspaper editor! It’s not his fault his profession isn’t glamorized by the public, it’s still very important, especially 100 years ago, when newspapers mattered. Also, what’s the over-under on another Macy’s plug?

0:23 What the hell is a believe meter? Is there a clock that actively monitors how much people care about stuff?

0:56 So be good by standing still at all times.

1:36 This little kid just described Santa Claus as a crazy person.

2:06 HOHO! Subways would never work, what a ridiculous idea! We are from the past!

2:47 Oh, this Santa Claus is in fact a crazy hobo.

3:14 Were times especially tough in the 1890’s?

4:58 Check us out! Pigeons! Just walking!

5:18 Don’t show them my work of art that I’m extremely proud of.

5:48 This is the villain, a preppy girl with too much money that just hangs around being a jerk.

7:11 That’s not how libraries work.

8:18 Because of aggressive marketing campaigns?

8:42 That little kid is Italian?

9:12 What happened to your jacket, hobo?

9:31 Oh how precious! He gave his jacket to someone less fortunate! He is a saint!

10:06 Wouldn’t you want food? Being homeless and all?

10:30 This machine overreacts when it hears a difficult question.

11:32 Wait, you’re counting the bitchy chick as a friend? Well, I guess they can’t change the actual letter.

12:39 Oh, this guy is an asshole. The editor-in-chief just flat out refused to answer the letter, even though we know that’s what happened.

14:13 Oh of course, the girl is mean because she has a terrible mother.

14:35 What are the odds that letter would end up in that particular garbage can?

15:02 And there’s the Macy’s! Good work, dummies. At least it was subtle.

15:31 Yes you can! You will freeze to death if you don’t! You are a terrible hobo!

16:30 Or don’t, because you have no reason to chase her.

16:45 Who would write a check for a penny?

17:16 Ma’am.

17:58 Also, can I have my job back? I’m not sure why you fired me. Is it the haircut?

18:24 Oh no she is tearing stuff down!

19:17 Of course! I’ll stare directly into the sun! That’ll solve my problem!

20:02 Hey, I noticed something on your paper hat. How about you unfold it and we can read the story?

20:41 What? They needed the inspiration of this letter to actually bother putting up the Christmas tree?

21:11 I snuck into your room and stole it from your garbage can! Don’t ask any questions! Merry Christmas!

22:41 Oh what, a song? A Santa song?

Robert Pringle: Pipeline Supervisor.

24:21 Holy crap there are a lot of credits. It was only 20 minutes of movie, guys.

25:12 Oh shit this thing really was sponsored by Macy’s.

Verdict: Meh. It wasn’t bad, but they had to pad the crap out of that to even make it worth it. Why have two villains? Why have villains period? There were also way too many characters and I knew nothing about any of them. What the hell was Virginia’s dad working on? Who just lets their kids run around in empty lots? What the hell is a Believe Meter?

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