Friday, December 28, 2012

Moeyo Ken - Episode 8: "Dyed in the Color of a Girl"


LAST TIME: After several unsuccessful attempts to hook up what’s-his-face with who-cares, they turn to a literal god to do it, which ends in kind of an awesome kaiju fight. And now we move on! Right? Moving on?

1:23 Just realized this nurse in the credits has done literally nothing the entire series. The cat lady gets more play than her.

1:45 And…everyone is naked.

1:58 The cat is washing himself with a piece of soap that says cat.

2:12 He was killed by the soap!

Also, this will mark the third time that the main character has DIED.

3:06 Oh no he resurrected as a girl…

Well, it is messed up that the person just turned into a girl but we’re totally going to leer at him regardless. Um…her.

3:42 And that one lady apparently wears a wig, who cares?

4:13 STILL! Just fucking drop it.

4:23 They dismiss him being gay and immediately assume he’s into bestiality.

4:54 Oh jeez, great plan. Now they are trying to get themselves set up with the guy.

5:47 Also, what on earth does all this say about the nature of souls?

Christopher Walken?

6:27 Well, yeah, otherwise it is fucking awful. It is supposed to be the 20th century after all.

6:54 I have an unnatural attraction to cats!

Somehow, the cat managed to smell flour and eggs and assumed it smelled good.

7:37 Hey look, a dog.

8:04 That lady’s name is literally Miss Dressy?

And…it’s suddenly a beauty pageant.

9:25 Haha, sleazy threesome lighting.

Gah! Put those away!

9:50 Really, you’ve done a fabulous job of dying so far.

The cat is actively trying to kill him.

10:28 Oh hey, a river witch.

10:51 Maybe just drink some poison or something.

Christopher Walken again!

11:57 The mother literally doesn’t care about this whole thing.

12:18 Basically treat her like a Barbie.

13:09 Well, this is some great metaphysical discussion.

13:24 Oh no! Misunderstanding theater!

13:58 What’s the third issue? I mean, I can tell what issues one and two are, but… (get it boobs)

14:29 This pretty girl has never been shunned before. That says a lot.

15:06 We just now remembered your name.

15:30 Ug…just wrap them up or something. Stop holding them like that.

16:19 I’m glad they are handling marriage contracts and body-switch issues with the maturity it deserves.

16:54 That squirrel is on fire!

17:07 And now it’s a Pokemon somehow.

17:26 Well this boss came out of literally nowhere.

17:50 When did they get a bazooka?

18:14 Oh I like a good Webster reference.

Oh good the contract was destroyed, I guess.

19:00 Wait, you mean the giant squirrel with scythes for hands? Yeah, don’t know how we missed him.

I was about to ask why they don’t always bring the robot version of that lady with them, and then it broke like instantly.

And…the girl is feeling him up.

“Good, no one can see my boobs from here.”

21:30 Oh good, the squirrel is…back to his senses?

21:50 How did you jump this high?

22:22 And the squirrel faded away, never to be heard from again.

22:57 Sure, why not?

23:15 And waitress lady is under the impression he is a girl.

24:52 Cat balloon? Secret birth?

Verdict: Well that was stupider than I thought it would be. If literally anyone told literally anyone else the truth to anyone else, EVER, then I guess this wouldn’t be a comedy. But you know, fuck comedy of errors. And screw you, show that plays fast and loose with death.

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