Friday, December 21, 2012

Moeyo Ken - Episode 7: "The Direction of Love is Left to the Gods"

Oh good, so we are giving up on the bullshit “get the main character to fall in love with the waitress” plot. Hopefully. I mean, it has only KILLED THEM once. I can’t see how this ridiculous plan can backfire any harder.

LAST TIME: One of the heroine’s mother is a fox spirit and also is a huge con artist, as she tries to steal some artifacts for some reason, but another fox spirits goes nuts and kidnaps and everyone, and in the end, nothing changes and we get on with our lives.

0:34 I like that the first credit isn’t even “character concepts,” but rather “character sketches.” These aren’t even fully realized folk, just pictures of people.

1:48 You are supposed to give up! Stop already.

2:10 Or maybe you should ask him straight out, “Hey, stick around, can you?”

2:36 Um, tempura over rice, obviously. Your first choice was terrible.

Shanghai must have a great night scene.

3:31 Plan X: PRAYING TO GOD.

4:06 Hey, does she come here and hang out every day? I mean, she denied it so specifically for some reason, but…

Also, this looks like a pentagram. I’m pretty sure nothing good comes from summoning something from a pentagram.

Those sure are a string of words alright!

6:05 And immediately struck by lightning! BAM!

6:37 Wait, where did she get those sunglasses?

Yeah, screw you guys. Let’s go for a shopping trip, yeah?

7:43 Is she talking about her butt?

8:12 This cat just walked out of a restaurant complaining that he didn’t even enough. He is fat.

8:52 Why are those extras wearing bowties? Why do I care?

9:12 Hom nom whom nom.

We’ve only ever worn these outfits because the animators won’t draw us any others.

Why is she wearing a domino mask?

11:04 Oh, you mean the Ferris wheel that we’ve been ignoring all season?

11:45 Haha, they are dumb.

12:00 That was a haiku!

Of course the bad guys are standing around and planning to sabotage things.

13:09 Yes, it is considerably more difficult to meet someone who lives hundreds of years ago.

13:33 The cat asked if you can eat wax statues! That happened!

14:08 Okay, that is more a ventriloquist dummy, and not a wax statue.

14:43 EW! That is gross. Please don’t make me flip his litter.

15:23 Okay, that….was not a haiku. Too many syllables.

15:45 HUG!

16:18 Oh whoops! She is in fact a vindictive scorned woman!

And now she is giant, because an episode without a giant monster is a wasted episode.

17:23 Eye lasers! Immediately redeemed.

17:45 Or…she could have murdered a puppet. That seems less destructive.

18:30 Wait, how is airing the siren? Do they have sirens in this era?

18:48 Ew…this is a super gross conversation. Please don’t talk about peeling off things.

The tiny gods, still completely useless.

Wait…the Sphinx? What the hell is the Sphinx doing here?

20:49 Oh hey, some other giant lady. That seems right.

21:06 Woo! Epic suplex!

21:39 Okay, I shouldn’t care about the wanton destruction because of the wacky music. Thanks soundtrack.

22:07 Wait, huh? Easter Island statue? Leaning Tower of Pisa? I’m not sure they know how the World’s Fair works.

22:36 You know, I really don’t understand why everyone gives a damn if the main character returns to China or not.

Why does this lady have a Boston accent?

24:58 And everyone is NAKED!

Verdict: That was straight padding if I’ve ever seen it. It did not advance squat, only continuing a plot point that was boring three episodes ago. And man, kaiju vengeance gods should have been more interesting than it was.

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