Monday, January 23, 2012

No Ordinary Family - Episode 9: "No Ordinary Anniversary"

Everyone knows the eighteen year anniversary is the superpowers anniversary, but what do you get your wife when she already has them?

LAST TIME: Chiklis’s superpowers were short circuiting because of his wife’s new lipstick. The family feels obligated to give a teacher super surgery so he doesn’t flunk Tiberius. Pills doesn’t like sushi. Minion is pretending to date Marcia, despite having all the info he needs to get the family killed. All of these things happened, and they don’t make any sense.

1:07 Chiklis wisely decides that his superpower probably won’t be any good against a fire, and MC Skat Kat forces him to try it anyway.

1:53 Exactly what you want to do to a burning building, apply 250 pounds moving at terminal velocity to its roof.

2:29 Yeah, we kinda guessed you were in the building by the fact that you walked out of the building.

3:01 How did she cut that same carrot at superspeed three times?

3:20 We would have assumed you would let us stay home alone for one night because we are teenagers.

4:11 Wait, you let MC Skat Kat hit you with a rental car? Wouldn’t that be an even dumber idea?

4:40 Come on! Battlestar Galactica was a very popular show! Surely you’ve heard of it?

5:32 Who is this guy, and why does he suddenly demand to see their work? Maybe stop working on secret superhero stuff at the office?

6:59 You made this?! How could my artist husband possibly make something?

7:53 NO! You are good parents for finally trusting them to stay home alone for one night.

8:26 MC Skat Cat, bro, come on. You knew about this. Don’t be an asshole.

9:20 Did they not make a reservation?

10:15 Well…technically, it’s Tiberius’s car. He won it from your grandpa, remember?

11:30 Haha, spy! Please! Nobody ever uses the word spy anymore.

11:52 OH! So he got fired for refusing to do something that’s not his job. Good thing they are in California, where ‘no cause’ firing is legal.

13:07 AND…bitch. Anyone else would have complained to your manager, lady.

14:10 Why are they playing a game that is not Texas Hold ‘Em?

15:29 That noise she made when she received a hot dog was way too sexual.

16:06 Here you go man! Free hot dog! Keep up the good work!

17:19 That’s right, despite the fact that you know for a fact you’re immune to fire, protect yourself with a dumpster lid.

18:00 Oh dear…she likes this too much.

18:33 Um, no, Marcia would also call them super villains. Because she’s a TV nerd.

19:07 So, he’s losing now, because he can’t count cards anymore. Despite the fact that he could probably still do that if he wanted to.

20:00 Why is this douchebag touching the hand sculpture?

21:05 Wait wait wait. So, instead of due process, they are going to kidnap this fire guy and detain him indefinitely? Who is that even slightly ethical?

22:35 Why are we both here at like 9 p.m. at night?

23:48 She is really bad at pretending to be in charge.

24:06 Luckily her boyfriend has telekinesis! And telepathy, apparently.

25:40 This four people on the phone scene is confusing as shit.

26:11 That is a shitty attempt at trying to weasel out of being caught.

26:28 Could he have at least tried to come up with a believable excuse to rummage through the house? Like go to the bathroom, like everyone else would say?

27:05 I was going to ask why he’s using his telekinesis to open random drawers, but then I realized it keeps his fingerprints off the dresser, so, good idea, Minion.

28:18 Wait, she can suddenly cancel superpowers? Since when? AND if she can do that, why hasn’t she done that for her family yet?

29:24 Third date? She already met your boss! Maybe you’re moving too fast.

30:25 How did that get broken?! Just randomly?

31:07 Well…MOST fires just kinda start by accident, so, yeah, they do.

31:38 Well, all the stores are closed, so why not breaking and entering? We can’t just wait until morning.

32:18 Dramatic van flipping not pictured.

33:08 Look, a line of fire that’s just burning without fuel. That must be where the fire guy went.


34:13 Here is a ridiculous wad of cash that we just happened to have with us. Enjoy this bribe, sir!

34:50 Hey guys, remember the Matrix?

35:55 This guy’s ability to turn into a ridiculous cartoon fireball is funny as hell.

36:57 Ah yes, the super convenient big old gravel dispenser. When you just need to end the fight scene without consequence.

38:18 That didn’t sound suspicious at all!

39:08 Did you see his face? That guy was a cretin even before he had stupid fire powers.

39:47 So, obviously, we would need a single poker chip for this.

40:39 That grunt was the grunt of “Hmm, what ridiculous paranoid gibberish.” Some parents don’t fly on the same flight? How do they go on vacation? By that logic, are they ever in the same place at the same time? Sounds super “risky.”

41:18 That fire guy died!? What happened to the body?

41:58 So…Minion doesn’t get his dose of super juice because…why because?

42:23 What the hell is Asian Scientist even doing there?

Verdict: Kinda concerned about our heroes’ overreach here! Instead of just letting a guy be in police custody, they take power into their own hand and kidnap him until they can rip his superpowers from him, then I guess let him loose on the street with a wave and a smile. That sounds really illegal. The poker plot was also dumb as hell. I don’t know, a lot of dumb. They did namecheck Power Man though, that’s nice…even though nobody calls him Power Man anymore.

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