Monday, January 9, 2012

No Ordinary Family - Episode 8: "No Ordinary Accident"

Man, these titles are so hard to make up funny things about. They only change like one damn word. Accidents aren’t that exciting guys.

LAST TIME: A surprisingly lot! There’s a mobster who sees Chiklis’s face, but he gets killed, and Minion suddenly knows who Chiklis is, but doesn’t tell anyone. Instead he goes on a date with Marcia, which she was on because Tiberius tried to woo her for some stupid reason. Also, Pills reads minds and Darla runs fast. This isn’t news.

0:35 Oh…it’s sexy time.

1:07 Kenny’s? Who the hell is Kenny? Are you telling me Tiberius actually has a friend?

My neighbors are so loud and it sounds exactly like police chatter!

2:48 I…thought he was trying to hide his vigilante life from his wife? Why is he discussing it while she’s right there, being sexy?

3:37 Oh no! He’s Spiderman 2ing!

4:25 Hehe! He has that invincible skin thing like Superman! You remember that scene, right?

5:35 Oh that’s Kenny. The big black guy with the pregnant girlfriend. I wonder if that’s going to ever come up again.

6:09 Yeah…that wasn’t the plot of Breakfast Club.

BULLSHIT! Bullshit Marcia is excited about someone being like Edward! Get your Twilight out of my nerd fantasy, TV show. I mean!

7:59 I’m just going to think about things that are completely obvious, to make it easy for the mind reader.

8:40 OKAY! If you’re going to pretend this idiot knows Japanese, at least don’t have him pronounce it wrong, morons. The ‘u’ at the end is typically silent.

9:40 Um…no Superman did not. If you’re going to reference Superman losing his powers, please bring up the awful Superman 3. Please oh please.

10:29 Sitting at a computer! What are you doing, vaguely ethnic teacher?

Wait…I thought we established last episode that Chiklis would totally believe his powers are temporary…

11:58 What…there is no law against superspeed. Running has no speed limit.

I totally destroyed it with my hand! I’m a destructive force without any restraint!

13:01 That’s a really neat chair!

13:26 Don’t tell him that! Why would you say you know Japanese? He doesn’t even know how to pronounce it, why would you follow his lead?

14:29 That’s not very funny. How did you accidentally order vodka?

14:55 Ah, she uses the ‘Vaughn’ style of greeting.

15:57 Ventrelli’s Plumbing. We hope you aren’t paying attention to us.

16:51 Ah yes, the random car fire. Cars often set on fire for no reason after an accident.

17:42 Which, you must admit, sounds pretty unbelievable. I mean, why on earth was there a steel pipe nearby in the first place?

Don’t blame yourself, kid. In fact, nobody blame themselves. You can’t control nothing.

19:08 Or maybe it’s all mental. Maybe you are totally ballsing it up just because.

19:35 You don’t know ‘arigato’? That’s ‘thank you‘! Everyone knows that!

20:15 And…she accidentally ordered blowfish. Good work, mind reader.

21:23 Sure is nice to have crappy visual effects as your superpower.

22:12 What? Darla has medical experience? Since when?

23:09 Chiklis is SO MAD at these stupid carjackers.

I thought we already established that Tiberius couldn’t perform the operation without Darla. What is he doing here?

25:10 That’s because he completely faked it! I still don’t know why Minion is still doing this.

25:44 You are wrong! That would be awesome! There should totally be some sexual tension between Darla and Marcia!

27:15 Man, sure was convenient that there was an entire OR wing that was closed down for whatever.

28:30 The hell is that thing? I’ve seen a number of medical dramas, and I’ve never seen one of those.

30:20 Yo, just here for a pile of blankets. Don’t mind me.

31:14 Oh good, they fixed the thing. There should be more superhero surgeons.

31:58 Should I have waited until we were on the doorstep instead of waiting for the valet? I mean, we still have a totally awkward 20-minute car ride to look forward to.

33:21 You don’t like sushi!? What is your problem? Sushi is great!

34:17 Oh hey, I totally forgot that MC Skat Kat existed as a character. What has he been doing this episode?

35:14 What….you did not make out! You kissed. That is totally different.

35:59 WE GET IT! You’re a TV nerd! Not an actual nerd that actually cares about nerdy stuff, but a nerd on TV who namedrops bullshit just so the audience doesn’t forget you are undesirable, despite being attractive as shit. Stop making it so obnoxious.

37:02 What the hell did they do to that car? It looks like Edward James Olmos.

37:55 Apparently these idiots follow the idiot guide to criminals, in which they think a dead body is easier to handle than just asking the guy to leave.

Still a pedantic dick, even when laid up on a hospital bed.

39:41 Yep! That totally sounds like a believable thing that would happen!

40:35 It would have been so funny if the teacher was still a dick about the math grade.

41:18 Please ignore my eye bags of evil, I’m really a nice guy.

Wait what? The only reason he’s dating Marcia is to get close to Darla? There are far easier ways to manage that. (Please don’t break her heart.)

Verdict: I really didn’t expect the surgeons with superpowers subplot, that was pretty neat. The carjacker nonsense was so dumb though, and I didn’t get what Pills was up to. Really don’t like the Marcia subplot, but that probably has nothing to do with what was actually happening (big crush). But yeah, we’re moving. Keep on moving.

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