Friday, July 13, 2012

Rosario + Vampire - Episode 16: "Mother and Child and a Vampire"

You know, each of the titles pointlessly pairs a random noun with a vampire, but this one makes the least sense, and incidentally is also the most terrifying. Something awful is going to happen to that mother and child, I don’t want to stay for this.

LAST TIME: Sister Assassin continues her harassment for 15 pointless minutes, only to eventually get over it when bitchy white-haired vampire shows up, and they hug it out. They also unintentionally raise the metaphysical issue of where exactly pink-haired vampire comes from, since she only exists when she’s wearing the rosary, and the bitchy version is apparently her default. But unless they print the answer on some panties, I doubt we’ll ever figure it out.

0:26 This guy needs to get to bed earlier.

0:44 Wait, they only do Parent’s Day bi-annually? Why wasn’t there a Parent’s Day last season?

1:19 Hahaha! Random dudes totally want to meet the main character’s mom, if you know what I mean.

2:00 Disco lady! Disco lady!

3:46 Wow, that random guy who we never actually addressed before is really grumpy for some reason.

4:10 The joke is the tough guy really loves his family. How dare he!

4:35 OH JESUS! Maybe start a conversation without swinging your mace, crazy bitch!

5:06 Well there’s your problem. You went to school with a bunch of body snatchers.

5:58 Ice Chick’s mother is ALSO a stalker. It is kinda hilarious.

6:40 You could…not mention that. There was no reason to mention that.

7:33 Boobs, everyone.

7:49 OH SHIT! The succubus’s mom just propositioned the main character!

8:26 She’s…kinda been standing there the whole time, lady.

8:57 I haven’t heard that sound effect since I watched the Heathcliff cartoon when I was a kid. SIDENOTE: There was a Heathcliff cartoon!

9:35 What just happened, should I be worried?

9:55 Shorts maybe. How about shorts? Shorts?

10:23 Fuck your boyfriend in front of me, daughter! This isn’t creepy!

11:19 Apparently ice elementals or whatever operate like Mr. Freeze.

12:02 He is totally bored with the prospect of a woman wanting to spend private time with him.

12:37 Heart’s on the left side of the body, animators.

13:34 Oh yeah…it’s sexy Beethoven time.

13:54 Oh fuck a song I guess. Well this will kill three minutes.

14:59 And…everyone is dead by being frozen to death. Good work.

15:23 Ahem, succubus chick, you are not allowed to sing this “low self-esteem” song. You don’t have low self-esteem. It doesn’t work for your character.

16:09 I kinda like they are showing us these flashbacks to scenes that totally didn’t happen.

16:40 Shut up bat! Shut up forever!

17:39 And the mothers are already arranging their daughter’s marriages. Yep, this sure is the conflict. You kinda don’t have to keep hammering it into our heads.

18:29 Have you two considered that maybe the main character is a nebbish jerk with no qualities and isn’t worthy of your daughter’s love? Because I don’t think he deserves anyone.

19:55 That guy! They are fighting over that guy? He looks like a total asshole.


20:26 Hey guys guess what just happened?

20:52 WHAT?! The mothers just fell for the main character?! After he was dropkicked into them? Seriously, what the hell is up with this kid?

21:09 Is the witch’s dad Harry Potter?

21:50 Oh these non-characters again.

22:19 And…the mothers learned nothing and we resolved zero conflicts. Great.

22:56 Just once, JUST ONCE, I wish she would not do the fake-out kiss when she wants to suck his blood. Just go for the kill, lady.

23:40 Have I mentioned how amazing I think pants are lately?

24:19 Oh okay, that’s why that guy was named Gonzo, because that’s also the name of the animation company. Not the Muppet.

Verdict: Well that was filler alright. It was kinda interesting, the misunderstandings, the various lies, the grudge, but it all feel apart when it was slammed against the formula. The conflict didn’t resolve, the transformation is pointless for the third time in three this season, and I do not understand the magnetism of this fucking nerd main character at all. Why the hell do all of these chicks want him? WHY?

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