Monday, July 9, 2012

Day Break - Episode 11: "What If He Walks Away"

Oh man, is he finally just saying “Fuck It” and going to DisneyLand? Because I so want to see Taye Diggs riding the tea cups. It’s not weird.

LAST TIME: Taye figures out who murdered the DA, but oops, time resets itself, too bad. But he’s getting closer and closer to the conspiracy, I’m sure it will totally pay off here. Maybe we’ll find out about that thing that Moon did, that has been mentioned all but twice so far and everyone has likely forgotten about.

1:09 Well…that recap was really sad.

1:32 This music signified that these phone conversations are silly.

1:56 Hey! Bus lady! I’m glad she’s back for a mention.

2:47 And who the fuck are you, buzz cut? This is episode 11, where have you been this whole time?

4:19 And then Taye steals a groundhog and drives him into a quarry.

5:07 Wait, she thinks that hotels off the Strip are less expensive? They practically give those suites away!

6:08 Doesn’t the game end at like, seven p.m. at night? Wouldn’t he have to wait a good six hours for this to resolve?

7:04 Apparently they bought new clothes and got a makeover after they collected their winnings?

8:12 MEXICO?! Anywhere in the world and she chooses Mexico?!

8:43 Was that guy surfing with a bear?

9:08 Remember these exciting scenes, audience? (Just realizing that they are clip showing this bitch.)

9:49 A Baja Blast. Oh yeah, you can get that at Taco Bell, it’s tropical lime.

10:18 This is literally the greatest episode. It is just Taye and Moon hanging out at the beach.

11:11 Taye apparently can taste pomegranate juice at fifty yards.

11:35 “Say thank you! Come on! At least say thank you!”

12:33 Wait…wait…when did he interview all these people about their personal lives?

13:20 You know….like Groundhog Day.

13:40 Only twelve times? How did he know all those personal details about his server? He has some crazy memory.

15:10 This didn’t go the way he planned!

15:45 Oh shit she is going to wake up MAD AT HIM!

16:37 I’m…I’m not supposed to be turned on, right?

17:26 Yeah, stupid. You know that you can change what happens any given day, how did you not see this happening?

18:15 Oh, the old attic dodge. Apparently there’s always an attic you can hide in.

18:57 This guy loves the old “just walk away” routine. He thinks that works every time.

19:46 LOL boobs!

20:20 Oh shit! Someone named Billy told Moon that someone found the body! !!!

21:20 Yes, I am safely wearing my seatbelt, according to California state law.

21:50 Boy, sure was lucky the fat man was there. Also, what’s up, Fat Man! Welcome back to the show!

22:17 Why did they take off his shoes?

23:05 Because he’s fat, you see.

24:11 No seriously, where the hell is Ryerson? Where did this guy SUDDENLY come from?

25:35 Who’s They?

26:55 STILL? She totally called the cops on you, buddy. We were all there.

27:39 Also known as PTO. Personal Time Off.

28:34 WHAT?! Ryerson and Moon are dead!? OH SHIT!

29:35 Seven minutes in heaven? Was the last movie you watched Teen Wolf?

30:24 Table launch!

31:19 Oh right, this thing. Where he is terrified that the day won’t reset. I forgot that he is still doing that…sometimes.

33:03 Why would they need to bring him along to the crime scene?

34:25 Larry the Cable Guy?! Oh…the uncle.

35:24 So…wait…the two separate secret societies are the same society? That’s dumb.

35:58 They can make someone repeat the same day over and over! Like Groundhog Day!

36:46 Who else is there?! Seriously, everyone he cares about is dead or gone already.

37:42 Everyone who has been paying attention since Episode 2 (so…nobody) wants to know what you are talking about!

38:20 Even when plotting to turn her boyfriend into the police, she still doesn’t put on any pants.

39:19 Oh that’s what happened. Still doesn’t explain how the fat guy was conveniently buying a Mars Bar at the same time.

On account of I was with you THE ENTIRE TIME I could have done it.

40:48 It’s almost as if a month and a half of bullshit has happened between then and now.

41:24 WHAT? The drug lord is also in on it? Is anyone not connected with anyone else? Seriously, I expect the bus lady to walk up right now and talk about how she knew the entire time.

There is someone above the politician?! Is is Sauron?

Well that started out lighthearted and fun and then it all went to shit. Sure, it advanced the plot by having random people we saw before walking up to people we didn’t expect them to walk up to, but man, my vicarious living of Taye’s life was not satisfied by the ten minutes of Mexico beach bumming. And what about the surfer dude who wipes out? What about him!?

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