Monday, July 23, 2012

Day Break - Episode 13: "What If It’s Him"

What does that even mean? What if he’s being the conspiracy? Because unless they are pulling a Usual Suspects or a Pluto Nash on us, I really don’t see that happening.
LAST TIME: Turns out Moon murdered her dad! That’s what she’s been worried about this whole time. And despite the fact that it was a crime of passion, and she could have gotten only manslaughter for it, she decided to hide the body using the super-secret society that controls everything. I guess a bunch of other stuff happens to, but nothing that makes it at all clear how this thing will shake out.

1:14 What scene was that? I don’t remember that scene. Were they ever in a subway?

1:25 That kid is going to wrench his arm off.

2:29 DANG! I would hang onto that photo too.

3:18 I always bring flowers to my meetings with my ex-wife, because I’m a huge dweeb. BING!

4:08 Sounds exciting! Can I get a treatment by next week?

5:13 WHOOPS! You forgot to call the bus lady! Oh no!

6:18 He’s going to have a stroke because I keep yelling at him!

6:43 What are you doing, Taye? That’s super suspicious!

7:45 Me and Booth! I mean!

8:58 I love how incredulous this judge is. This guy cannot believe this shit.

9:29 Someone was murdered, you see.

9:56 Is a fight scene about to break out? What’s with the music?

11:40 Man, he is super smooth about all this. It’s almost like he’s had over a month to prepare.

12:19 Standing around, looking sinister.

13:10 I was just…playing Peggle! I mean, masterbating! I mean!

13:55 Ah shit, this lady is sleeping with the bad guy.

15:16 What did you want him to do, lady? He was a DA! That’s a pretty good job!

16:19 Talk to everyone. Including all the people who aren’t on our side.

17:24 He’s lying! He’s lying to you! Don’t be a stupid jerk!

18:11 GULP!

18:59 Come on, Spivak! You can’t outslick me, I’m Taye fucking Diggs.

19:31 Haha, the mustache.

20:36 It’s a murder meeting! Don’t go to the murder meeting!

21:02 So…do we just catch the next one, or…?

22:05 Hey, guys, his dad didn’t commit suicide. I don’t know why we all kept assuming he did.

23:11 Who is Nick? Oh, the police partner guy. I forgot his name already.

23:58 Run! RUN!

24:39 Okay, a montage, sure, why not? Doesn’t make any sense…

25:09 Wait, why isn’t he dead? What happened?


25:47 What do you mean you don’t know? You just woke up like an hour ago.

26:59 OH RIGHT! I keep forgetting that Ryerson is also tied with the bad guys. I don’t know how.

28:08 How did he grow his mustache back so quickly?

28:36 Just marching a crapload of criminals through the courthouse, in a way that is totally normal.

29:16 Hurray! A bunch of judges weren’t murdered violently! It was a trap!

30:42 So…Ryerson is actually a bad guy after all? I can’t keep this straight!

31:46 Bed fight!

31:58 OH NO! How can they have sexy shower times now?

32:22 Oh, okay. It’s over. Let’s wrap this up then, I guess.

33:23 Oh no not her! I hardly cared about her.

33:56 Wait wait wait, I am kinda not okay with all the bad guys dying gruesomely. That seems wrong to me.

35:31 This is a weird hypothetical…

35:54 I would, because I’m not a tyrannical dictator.

36:55 Yeah…I was only cleared after I spent a month and a half in a time loop figuring out the whole thing. That doesn’t prove the system works.

37:50 Oh okay, the drug lord just…didn’t feel like killing him.

38:51 What else could possibly be going on?! You were tied up in a trunk!

39:47 He had no choice, you guys.

40:10 You going to Arby’s? Can you get me a roast beef?

40:47 Why is suddenly sleeping on the other side of the bed? People have established sides in relationships! Almost always!

41:17 Oh hey, that dog that he apparently has.

41:47 Ace detective Bret Hopper was suffocated to death in his apartment today…

42:11 Who the fuck is this guy then?!

Verdict: Well that was pretty well done. They wrapped all the little plot hooks together, they solved at least 80% of the problems, they finally sort out which side Ryerson is on (even though…looking at the first couple of episodes, he was clearly a bad guy), and they prevented a bunch of judges from dying horribly, which would have been awful, and probably the key reason this particular day was chosen. Wrapped up pretty well, with the obligatory Season 2 hooks, like Ryerson apparently escaping custody and some weird guy just standing there at the end. (Read online, it was the crazy hobo, you know, the guy who looked completely different every other time we saw him?) But yeah, probably the best show I’ve watched for this so far.

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