Friday, July 6, 2012

Rosario + Vampire - Episode 15: “Little Sister and a Vampire”

We already have a creepy lolicon character! This is unfair, creepy anime that spends way too much time focusing on women’s underwear oh never mind I get it.

LAST TIME: Everyone is back to school for some old bullshit, but things are mildly different, because now there are fan girls, and also the vampire is being stalked by some assassin. That assassin turns out to be her little sister, which is weird. I mean, sibling rivalries can only go so far, you know?

0:29 Vampires: This Season on A&E.

0:50 Koko-uh? That’s her name? That’s dumb. You have a dumb name.

1:08 Oh fuck new theme song! So excited, I forgot how awesome this is.

2:16 Explosive sexy beauty!

3:06 Wait wait wait…they could see the bat before? I thought he was a meta thing.

3:32 And…brain damage.

3:47 Team Rocket is yada yada yada.

4:15 I got a kendo stick! Stop right there.

4:41 So…she’s sleeping with the dean? Is that what we are implying?

5:22 Ping pong tears.

5:56 Also we are all naked, so…seriously, what the fuck? Why are we naked?

6:16 Ah…pre-teen bitchy white-haired vampire.

7:24 The hell, is it the 1940’s? What is with the K-Car?

7:36 HAHAHA! Freddy Krueger costume!

8:22 “Course, I don’t really care if she dies or not.” Actual dialogue!

8:59 The bat can turn into a mace, apparently.

9:15 HEY! HEY! Don’t get meta on me. First off, this shit was so not foreshadowed. Second, shut up forever.

10:19 I am real busy running for my life, you stupid fan girls!

11:05 She is still fucking here?! She has committed dozens of crimes!

11:40 Just expel her! Why are you forcing this cat lady to deal with it?

12:28 Yeah…not super familiar with Japanese culture, you’re going to need to give me a hint here guys.

13:10 She’s only tried to kill all of us a dozen times, let’s give her a break.

13:21 Oh shit, I just realized the bat turned into a bat. UGH.

13:51 Seriously, buy this lady a longer skirt. I am already sick of her underwear.

14:37 It’s almost like we should probably tell an authority figure or something.

15:28 It’s a regular chest of dummies.

16:02 Things already haven’t gotten out of hand?!

16:24 Yes, that is the name of the weapon you are holding, thanks for yelling it out.

16:43 HEY! Some poor soul was marked by that grave, you jerk!

17:51 I have a very codependent personality! Why don’t you get that?

18:47 Oh bullshit is this going to be resolved without her turning into bitchy white-haired vampire.

19:33 Oh no everyone is dead!

19:46 Oh yep! Here she is.

20:10 Another half a dozen graves desecrated.

20:57 HUGS?! The fight was resolved with HUGS!?

21:37 This chick has some serious masochistic issues…

22:46 That is…a legitimate question. Where did this pink-haired personality come from?

23:11 That’s a vagina!

23:27 Jesus! Put on some pants, lady!

23:57 Oh fuck it is still there. We get it, that’s where a penis would go during sex. Seriously, this static image of a lady letting it all hang out is pretty goddamn creepy.

24:38 Exactly who are these Doublemint twins during the closing panty shot? Oh god, I can actually modify the term “panty shot.”

Verdict: Panties. Holy shit it had a reputation before but it has upped the ante. Literally every shot of the little sister has her on display. Some of the random bullshit that is happening is kinda funny, but it’s clear that they are going into full parody mode with this season so far. Well bring it. As long as you keep that awesome opening theme, I can handle whatever nonsense you throw at me.

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