Friday, June 8, 2012

Rosario+Vampire - Episode 12: "Security Committee and a Vampire"

Boring name. We know this is about the security committee. We saw them already. This tells us nothing.

LAST TIME: Our team gets back from vacation and prints out a newspaper, because they are still in the newspaper club for some reason. But turns out there’s a rival newspaper club, which is actually a front of discredit the team by some ugly spider lady. Then some people in dark rooms say some spooky things. Spooky….

0:24 Punch!

0:37 Oh, so the security committee is just a bunch of mafia thugs. Great.

1:10 Butt…

1:35 Wait…they used actual journalism skills to try and take down the security committee. Holy crap.

2:33 Oh hey, butterflies. Were those always there? (It is hard to find shit to talk about during the credit sequence.)

3:49 Wait, these guys again? I was hoping they were dead!

4:47 Yeah…that was actually good. I mean…everyone is actually doing something important.

5:25 Oh please, like there are three other nerds that are staking our team.

5:59 I know how the passage of time works!

6:41 Make out make out make out make out come on stop dicking around make out.

6:57 …and she destroyed that moment by turning into a Street Fighter.

7:32 Okay, seriously, what the hell was up with that shot? That went a bit far. I’ll rent a magazine if I want that. (Rent a magazine?)

8:14 OOOOHH FUCK! They found out he’s a human!

8:42 Well, except the part where they use their monster powers on campus all the time…but whatever.

9:13 Aren’t we in the middle in class? What are all these dummies doing in the hallway?

10:04 For all you fans of pre-teen girls crying…I’m reporting you to the police!

11:11 This would be a lot more interesting if we actually recognized any of these people.

11:38 This lady, apparently still employed here.

11:45 No matter who we talked to, when we asked them leading questions, they totally agreed with us! Of course that’s substantial evidence.

12:41 Maybe he’s a eel monster! How helpful could an eel monster be?

13:23 There’s WATER in that glass of water?! OH SHIT!

13:58 So…they just assume everyone in this school would break the rules? This is shitty evidence.

14:10 Wait…how can she sweat? How does her sweat not hurt her?

15:34 Maniacal laughter! HAHAHA!

15:51 Didn’t…the vampire already know he was a human? And I’m pretty sure the succubus had a good guess too.

16:27 So…she’s suddenly mad that he’s a human? Why? Why would it matter?

16:55 Maybe call some authorities! People shouldn’t be held captive in their own school.

17:34 That doesn’t seem fair! Shouldn’t there be a jury of peers? Instead of…say…the bad guy’s friends? (Evil monster bullshit)

18:47 You should feel that way all the time! You peep into girl’s windows!

19:22 Bat Men

19:40 Humans sure get a bad wrap for the shitty practices of a few jackasses back in the Middle Ages among the witch community.

20:19 Apparently all of their noses were broken the entire time.

20:54 You…you guys do understand that he has a family, right? That knows where he is? I think killing an outsider on your campus would probably cause some undue attention.

21:53 Let her walk there like a person! Don’t drag her.

22:33 Apparently the weak human main character can break the rosary by accident a dozen times, but the vampire herself can’t get it to budge…

22:55 Like Jesus, get it?!

24:38 Oh thanks, I was really worried they would play that dumb peppy song over the panty shot, even thought it would be wildly inappropriate. Of course…they still showed us the panty shot…

Verdict: Well that’s about as real as shit will get. They are totally going to kill him. That’s pretty bad. Oh, it’s not actually going to happen, and I don’t know how they can have a second season after this, but still…high stakes. Oh also screw this monster school it is literally the worst idea ever.

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