Monday, June 18, 2012

Day Break - Episode 9: "What If They’re Connected"

You mean there might be some vast network of conspiracies going on in this story about time loops and secret murder set-ups you say? I refuse to believe it.

LAST TIME: This one was all about family, as Taye bothers his sister a lot, and also visits his Moms, which is hilarious. Also, they discovered that the lady in that cold case they keep bringing up was pregnant with an alien. Or a premature baby, I can’t tell the difference.

0:55 I mean, how dare she? I’m beginning to think she’s just being racist.

1:26 Yeah sure, dramatic pan-away from a fax machine, that’s not stupid.

2:00 Oh dang, I just realized that is the first time we’ve actually seen the murder victim. Amazing how…unimportant he is.

2:58 I like how Moon Bloodgood is always annoyed that he bothered to wake up before 7 a.m. HOW DARE HE?

4:21 A Bro in the Secret Service.

5:10 They talk about this rich white shithead club while completely ignoring the fact that one of the only members we know there is Hispanic.

6:54 Hold up, how did Taye sneak a picture into his private speech portfolio?

7:55 That’s….not an answer. Just go to the Police!

8:59 It’s a good thing they established that guy was in on the conspiracy, otherwise his dickhead actions would be suspicious.

9:41 Ah dang, he stepped on the other side of that police tape, we can’t possible pursue him now.

10:17 Sorry, cop! You can’t build an empire by giving out completely innocent information! Gangbanger!

10:53 Nice Van is back!

11:21 Wait…isn’t that the same last name this guy had in The Event? Talk about typecasting. (Editor’s Note: NOPE, I was wrong. He does have the same last name in both The Event and Surface though. Also…Surface, lol, that’s on the short list.)

11:57 I did not expect that voice coming out of that guy.

12:40 Who cued up the Godfather trumpets?

13:11 ENRON? Is that an insult one would call a guy in a suit in 2006? The hell?

14:22 UM, wasn’t she at the Club? The hell is she doing here, being all conspiratorial with this douche bag?

15:44 DUM DUM! The bad guy is here!

16:25 No more screw pumps?

16:45 When did he sneak into that dude’s car? And why the hell didn’t we get a resolution to that plot point?

17:13 Oh here it is. Apparently Taye’s just been…hanging out while this guy drove for four straight hours.

18:11 And wasn’t this guy arrested at least five hours ago? You can’t just do a sunset time lapse because you want it to be dark for the next scene.

19:17 You just got Hoppered! Luckily those two tough guys that were here literally seconds ago didn’t notice me!

20:03 Haha, I like this guy. He is nonchalant about being wanted for murder.

20:37 Oh snap! Poor Asian Guy just got rocked!

21:45 Of course you can’t! You’re a nurse! How could you help? Jesus Moon, come on. Also…put on some pants!

22:18 Haha, Gilligan cut!

23:20 I just realized how goddamn annoying this show must be to the continuity director. She has to make sure this lady is wearing her dumb washer necklace every single episode.

23:36 Oh Dick Cheney reference. Topical.

24:30 I mean…I only appeared out of nowhere to start interrogating you about this car that was apparently broken into.

25:33 Oh no you shouldn’t have told her, Taye!

26:09 Yeah…that’s more indicative of a firefighter, not a police officer. Choose a better, less extreme example.

27:10 Meanwhile, at a strip club with random Chinese symbols everywhere…

28:22 Wait! Wasn’t this guy in jail? Or was that yesterday? Also known as today?

28:56 Oh, apparently it’s still daytime.

30:14 Durp durp I’m a random cop.

31:10 Oh man they are playing Mexican train. I hear that is a game someone plays.

31:53 Wait wait wait wait….this secret gang summit was happening at a place literally called The Summit? That’s stupid.

32:47 Oh no Asian guy is apparently in trouble!

33:17 UM! Has he determined if he can die yet? Because…pulling pins out of grenades is kinda super goddamn dangerous.

34:24 I mean serious, white supremacissts. You are kinda shitting it up. Bylaws are simple, don’t work with the Other. What are you doing?

35:18 Oh shit the grenades were fake? That’s dumb.

36:04 Man, I can not even tell what the rules determining when and if Ryerson will protect Moon will be. They kinda change at random.

37:42 So he apparently turned Asian Guy too? What percentage is he at now? 56%? 63%? Can we get a peek at Bomber‘s Notebook?

38:42 HOLD UP, there are no prints for Taye in the house where he apparently murdered someone? How is he being framed again?

40:11 Oh yeah, the problem with the time loop. Tomorrow never happens.

40:49 On account of who the fuck would have a fax machine at their house?

41:49 You know, I never notice that the theme song was apparently done by Stomp.

Verdict: The plot is this episode made no sense. Why is this random gangbanger on the senator’s staff selling weapons to white supremacists? How is Asian Guy suddenly on the good guy team? How did Taye “fake” grenades? Maybe this is getting us closer to the conspiracy, but it seems to have looped back around to shit we knew. Let’s solve this stupid cold case already.

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