Monday, June 11, 2012

Day Break - Episode 8: "What If She's Lying"

This is the part where I make a mildly-sexist joke while at the same time trying to assure you I’m not sexist, even though it’s not very convincing. So yeah, not doing that. People of all genders, races, and religions lie! It happens!

LAST TIME: Taye discovers the whole mess is tied up in some fancy club, so he goes there and meets the crazy bearded guy again. Taye thinks the bearded guy is also time looping, when in the end he really is just crazy. There’s also a second group of conspirators, who I will nickname “The Fat Guy Syndicate,” who also know something, but don’t say a goddamn thing. Helpful, guys.

0:45 You know, I wonder how that coffee lady is doing. Is she still being saved every day?

1:25 Hahaha, he’s reading Highlights.

1:46 Wait, he actually is taking time out of his busy day to get a CAT scan? Because…that’s…really clever.

2:35 Someone spilled their Cheerios!

3:16 I will condescendingly talk to your brother for you, go ahead and take the kids inside.

3:38 How frequently is one expected to talk to your siblings? I mean…I guess they live in the same town, but still…

4:18 He is loading up for bear to see his mom! That is kinda funny!

4:48 OKAY!

5:27 Yeah I bought a camera, what of it!

5:50 Another example that this show was written way before it was produced; he went and bought a Polaroid camera.

6:35 Do these guys remember yesterday? Why are they still talking in whispers about vague bullshit?

7:52 Haha, his mom hates him.

9:06 His mom is wacky, by the way. I hope you’re okay with that.

10:03 I love that the one guy has a big durf look on his face and they keep showing it to us.

11:16 Maybe they don’t want anyone to hear their personal conversation, you eavesdropping asshole.

11:59 I like that Taye is acting like he is twelve years old. Being around family really does revert you.

13:19 I was a terrible cop!

14:40 Push fight! Push fight!

15:17 Crazy laughter, I love when people do that.

15:37 Ug, she has one of those dumb cat clocks. I hope bad things happen to her.

16:29 You can tell she is busy because the editor won’t leave this scene alone. Cut cut cut.

17:35 Again with the durf photo!

17:49 Mug Shots? That’s a shitty name for a boat.

18:32 Oh man, that guy is right, that guy dying that hasn’t happened yet totally affects things.

20:17 Oh right, the briefcase. I sure hope Marcellus Wallace’s soul is in there.

21:20 Spare a dollar, buddy?

22:01 Hey wait, is this the guy that was in shadows two episodes ago? Why are we just watching him walking in daylight like it’s no problem?

23:16 Um…how did they make a DVD player do that? DVD players don’t show static. At all.

24:27 Ryerson is standing there thinking, “Can I have a gun? I’d like to have a gun.”

25:03 You know, I had no idea the partner’s last name was Battle before this episode, but they have said it at least twenty damn times this episode, so now it is burned in my head.

25:46 And here is some bullshit flashback nonsense, in case you forgot there is a message to this show.

26:26 How is he flashbacking to stuff he wasn’t there for?!

26:56 Did he…forget that there have been days when absolutely everyone survives? Because people only die IF he gets caught or he steals the murder book. Just don’t do that.

27:39 Just hug it out, Taye. Hug it out.

29:00 Hey guys, I’m also here.

29:20 Listen, Carlton, you are not threatening in the slightest. Stop it.

30:02 Not just one of your children! All of them!

30:26 A high school apparently? Carlton works at a high school? That would have been nice to establish.

31:33 Wait…the only thing in the briefcase is $8000? That’s….what?

32:18 OH SHIT! Taye’s dad committed suicide!?

32:47 Everyone knows that only cops have personal emergencies!

33:43 I’d like to imagine there is someone waiting patiently outside to get to their private lockbox, patiently tapping their fingers.

34:50 Guest Director: Aaron Sorkin.

35:46 Who are these guys? I don’t recognize these particular bros.

36:11 One seizure later…

36:52 Oh no someone else with the same silencer gun that shot your girlfriend…once…in an alternate timeline.

37:38 Oh by the damn way, there is something else inside that suitcase besides money, calling it now.

38:12 What the hell is the little kid holding? A remote control helicopter?

38:54 Oh dang, did he change time again?! Exciting!

40:16 CALLED IT! There were secret files in the briefcase.

40:43 Also, here’s a creepy alien baby.

41:32 Tobias Booth? Didn’t he paint himself blue?

42:07 OH SHIT It’s the second shadow guy! Oh crap, something is happening.

Verdict: That was a very middle-of-the-road episode, but it was also moved the plot a lot, so that was great. The weird flashback crisis he had in the middle was weird, but otherwise, solid. Solid episode. Keep it up.

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