Monday, June 4, 2012

Day Break - Episode 7: "What If He's Not Alone"

FINALLY! About time we start getting some more action into this. He needs some friends up in this joint.

LAST TIME: The secret organization finds out Taye is putting it together, and so starts murdering his friends. Of course, it doesn’t take, because time loop. Taye finds Mike and roughs him up, in turn getting him killed somehow. Also the sister is involved, I don’t know.

1:03 And I’m going to very methodically look up his license number at the DMV. That makes for a pretty boring episode, considering.

1:33 Haha! He needs to shave every day? That is ridiculous.

2:20 You know, when you put it in a montage like that, her nagging does seem pretty obnoxious.

3:05 Ah yes, the pivotal changing of the battery scene.

3:47 I’m kinda amazed they just let Taye walk into this private club. (I’m just assuming they are racist.)

4:26 Of course the bartender is black and helpful.

5:00 We supposed to know this guy? Even the flashback didn’t help.

5:40 “There must be a flash drive in here somewhere” - thought that Taye was thinking and was completely right about

6:24 Wait what? The wife recognizes Taye?! How?

7:05 Oh man, this beardy guy is also reliving each day over and over again. Well that is lame.

7:48 What the hell were the police doing there? Why wouldn’t they talk to her at her house?

8:17 That’s stealing, detective! That’s against the law!

9:01 Answer the phone!

9:41 This lady right here! What a coincidence that she was just….walking by.

10:23 Go inside a building or something! Maybe don’t hide from cops in the middle of a park.

11:01 Hurray those two guys are dead. I hate those guys.

11:54 Yeah, that story sounds believable. “Oh yeah, it was a sniper or something. Totally not me.”

12:40 Why do they keep walking her around the police station? Just let her sit down some place comfortable.

13:08 Maybe take the witness to a private bathroom or something if you don’t want someone interfering.

13:29 The blood is shaped like a dog for some reason. Oh wait, that’s just a shitty silkscreen shirt.

14:37 It is nighttime and you have no idea where he could possibly be. How useful can the search helicopters be?

15:42 Me again! I’m still a dick!

16:43 It is so annoying! How did Bill Murphy handle this?

17:21 Moon Bloodgood spends like half this show without any pants on.

18:08 Oh dear Beardy is in here!

18:37 You know! Like Groundhog Day!

19:27 Tell him you hit him with a car. That happened yesterday and he should be able to remember.

20:42 I just have a crazy beard and occasionally bite people! I’m not a lunatic!

21:24 Oh man can this guy sound anymore condescendingly racist?

22:07 Um…okay. So this guy passes out when he hears the word ‘three’? How on earth does he manage to exist?

23:34 What room is this anyway? The creepy artifact room?

23:57 Like the painter? Who is Hopper the painter?

24:46 Oh dear the bartender knows something!

26:07 Well that was helpful! I’m sure glad this guy he accidentally kidnapped is such a nice guy.

26:35 Oh this plot point that they still haven’t paid off yet. Thanks guys, it’s been like four episodes since you mentioned it last.

27:33 Oh, okay, white homicide guy is in on the conspiracy. Good to know.

28:09 Wives? Like multiple? How many wives do you expect one to have, lawyer guy?

29:47 How did he get the computer to do that?

30:19 Why wouldn’t he tell him the names in alphabetical order? The list is in alphabetical order.

31:30 He…he still doesn’t know that she is wanted by Internal Affairs? Guy is selfish.

32:00 The wife takes another lap around the police station.

32:43 His…girlfriend. Obviously. I mean, why else would Taye be with her?

34:42 I am so mad at that lawyer for doing his job!

35:22 WOO! Quarry time!

35:37 Wait this isn’t the quarry! What’s going on? Who is this fat guy?

36:29 Okay, that was nutty as shit. So there are two secret organizations that kidnap people and leave them tied up places?

37:08 Maybe shave! There’s probably a razor in the medicine cabinet!

38:40 Yeah, thanks, I kinda figured that out. That’s why I’m here, dummy.

39:10 Look in the house you live in! Of course you belong to a club.

39:25 Oh bullshit! Bullshit Beardy was a day trader.

40:06 Oh dammit. Beardy is not in fact stuck in the time loop. He just has some dumb brain disease.

41:06 Hey, Taye, buddy. You don’t have mental issues. The day actually is repeating itself. Otherwise you’d be in a cell, stupid.

42:18 DUN DUN!

Verdict: Good episode with a dumb payoff. I like how they set up Beardy to be in on it and then struck it down. Also good leg work, and also the introduction of the fat man was fantastic. Excellent mid-series show, I can’t believe Lost fans were so irate that they didn’t let this one air. Yeah, I’m still mad at you, Lost fans!

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