Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Simon Dark - Issue 2: “Rumors, Legends and Secrets”

And gossips and myths and old wives’ tales and parables and tall tales and superstitions and folklore and conspiracies and…

LAST TIME: Some dumb cult does some dumb stuff, and then someone who calls himself Simon Dark shows up and does some other stuff. I’m sure we’ll start to care any minute now.

Page 1, Panel 1: A greedy infrastructure? What does that mean, that the roads play the market? The bridges constantly crowd to the dessert tray?

Page 2, Panel 3: I know all this because I’m a creepy narrator who can’t be bothered to save this innocent girl who is getting killed for no reason.

Page 3, Panel 2: The copywriter who came up with the nickname thinks he’s really clever.

Page 4, Panel 2: OH NO! Are you Batman? Or…Nightwing? Batwoman? Fuck, I would take the Oracle. Am I really that unimportant?

Page 5, Panel 4: PUSH!

Page 6, Panel 1: Oh no do not shoot me with bullets!

Page 7, Panel 4: Well, he’s dead I guess. Short comic. Wonder what’s on all these other pages? Maybe this really is about Batman.

Page 8, Panel 2: What are these stock characters from the 1940’s doing here?

Page 9, Panel 3: This guy that was murdered by cops for being pushed in an alley? Yeah you’re right, he doesn’t fit a criminal profile.

Page 10, Panel 1: Unless you count Frankenstein. But I’ve never seen Frankenstein, just read about him in literature, so it doesn’t count. Also, what witnesses?

Page 11, Panel 2: Again, like Frankenstein.

Page 11, Panel 5: Wait, this guy has a perfectly ordinary face? Why does he wearing that creepy death mask then?

Page 12, Panel 2: Oh might it’s…um…something? What’s in the bag?

Page 12, Panel 3: Wait what? How do they know this is the same guy who killed the software guy last issue? What evidence do they have at all? He didn’t even have a weapon on him.

Page 13, Panel 1: Meanwhile…in…the same place I guess…

Page 14, Panel 1: Woop woop woop woop woop..

Page 14, Panel 5: I’m not even sure who this guy is, but he is such a dick? This is the only time she’s ever been right, when she suggested that they chase after the corpse that just ran out of the room?

Page 15, Panel 1: Ah, the streetside Yahhhh! Choir.

Page 15, Panel 3: Oh come on, you’re a superhero. If you get hit by a car, the car stops. None of this getting tossed in the air like a normal human being.

Page 17, Panel 4: That is a dude’s eye! Why did he do that?

Page 17, Panel 5: Har-dee-har-har, get it?

Page 18, Panel 4: Um…now that you are pointing a gun at my head? Yeah…yeah I am.

Page 18, Panel 6: Yeah, I bet that hobo deserved that. Great low profile, evil mastermind.

Page 19, Panel 5: Did she just walk in on herself? Is she a time traveler? Maybe don’t give these characters the same face and haircut.

Page 20, Panel 3: Well…this scene makes no sense. Who are these people? Why do they even care about Mr. Dark?

Page 20, Panel 4: Yes it is! You are making the right decision! Run away!

Page 21, Panel 3: Is that lady running from something insane? That concerns me, a random guy in a van! I might be the guy from the beginning, but you can’t tell because the art style is way too loose and trippy that you can’t tell anyone apart!

Page 22, Panel 1: Yep, super busy, not even sure why I called you. You’d think I’d wait until I had a few minutes.

Page 22, Panel 5: Taking off a watch!!!!!

Verdict: This continues to be slow as dirt. Sure, the main character gets killed, but they he comes back to life for no reason and then is suddenly dead again? And this coroner continues to hang around and not be anything important? The point is…what? And what is wrong with the art?

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