Friday, May 11, 2012

Rosario+Vampire - Episode 9: "Summer Break and a Vampire"

Beach episode you guys. Beach episode.

LAST TIME: Our main hero is an idiot, so he tries to get some tutoring help from his vampire friend, but this pisses off the math teacher, who decides she will totally mind control and rape him. That’s what happens. It is fucked up. He will need to go to therapy.

0:17 Okay, ugly tree, sure.

1:26 Where…do monsters live the rest of the time? When they aren’t at monster school? Don’t they prey on humans?

2:16 I think she just passed out from being too goofy.

2:43 How dare you jerks stand over there! What a bunch of dicks you are.

3:11 She still works there?! She broke several laws!

4:38 Oh hey, it looks like it’s the reveal of the fifth chick this episode. I hope she’s sardonic or something.

5:19 The bus driver always seems to be enjoying himself.

5:34 Just clap your hands.

6:30 Has this guy worked on his cover story yet? Like what kind of monster he’s pretending to be? Because…it might come up!

6:57 Yeah, making that face is a real dumb idea. If you freeze up EVERY TIME someone mentions humans, someone will notice.

7:22 “Stop stealing my balls!”

7:53 They seem to think they are playing volleyball, despite not having a net.

8:21 Also, Japan, where raw fish isn’t that big of deal.

8:41 Um, thanks for joining us, one hit wonder Yello.

8:55 Do it! Come on! Make out with her already, stupid. Why are you dragging this out?

10:38 Haha, they all called her a dummie.

11:04 No trespassing! Also, who grows sunflowers near the beach?

11:30 Wait a sec, I need to spout exposition at you. Good thing you are an idiot.

12:22 Guys! Human world! Stop shouting out your monster powers!

12:54 Oooh…there’s a conspiracy, you guys. With ladyships and everything.

13:36 Air hump air hump.

14:32 YAMS!

14:57 Did catlady walk into the ocean? Wouldn’t she hate water?

15:42 What? The fifth girl is ALSO a witch? That is lazy….

16:27 I have a sneaking suspicious that this lady is not a witch at all but rather just an emo chick. Actually, that would be awesome, I hope that’s what it is.

17:16 Genocide you say? I’m…hesitant about that!

17:48 I’m just going to completely ignore this woman who is obviously there.

19:31 Zip up your shirt!

19:43 Tarot cards? Hmm...never seen those before...

20:20 I don’t think she was in danger of dying. Why would you say that?

21:20 Does, does Ice Girl think Succubus is in love with the Witch? That’s silly.

21:57 OH SHIT! He totally got stabbed!

22:31 WAIT WHAT? How did she transform while her stupid cross was still on her neck? That’s…that’s not how it works.

24:43 Those aren’t panties!

Verdict: I did not expect that ending. That was kinda neat. Pointless, but neat. I’m pretty curious where this goes. Sure, the main won’t die, but…crossing my fingers.

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