Monday, May 14, 2012

Day Break - Episode 5: "What If They're Stuck"

You mean…beyond how stuck they are now? I mean, repeating the same day over and over again seems pretty stuck to me. Also…who’s they?

LAST TIME: Batmanuel guests stars as some dumb drug addict that is around for some reason, and after a few stupid days of dealing with his bullshit, Taye managed to change how someone would act somehow, and now he has to dodge a call every morning if he doesn’t want his whole day to get sidetracked. I’m sure it will probably get ignored completely for the rest of the series anyway.

1:07 Um…spoilers? We don’t know you need to do that yet!

2:11 Oh shit…cops at a police station!

2:45 Man, I was really hoping that it was that guy’s birthday and he thought Taye knew about the surprise party. But no, just a boring plot point.

4:25 Man, Ryerson is being such a dick today. Or, I guess, every day, since it’s the same day.

5:15 Oh shit they are walking at him!

5:45 That was a helpful flashback! I don’t remember this guy at all! Who is this beardo?

6:12 AH! AH! He’s a werewolf!

6:47 WOO! Quarry time! It’s been a while, I miss it.

7:13 Rockabye. Rockabye.

7:56 How about a dozen other clues that I have picked up along the way? I mean, you are obviously behind my weird time loop thing and so might also be traveling in time with me, but I’m willing to give you all the info I have.

9:03 I am confused. He has agreed to do whatever they need him to do like twenty times already. Stop being dicks.

9:41 That part where I died! Haha!

10:39 Oh, this is the part where he tells her that the waiter is gay.

11:13 Biker guuuuuuy!

11:59 So…why did that biker guy have access to front row Dodger tickets? That’s the real question.

12:49 Haha! Ryerson is such a dick. He taunted Taye with a binder full of menus yesterday.

13:36 Was an unsuccessful Xbox game about the Old West or something!

14:16 Man, my blindspot for Lucy Lawless is so big that I thought this person who I’ve already seen a dozen times was in fact Lucy Lawless.

16:03 He’s a real friendly guy, let him tell you his fire hydrant story, it is hi-larious.

17:01 This guy knows that this doesn’t matter, right? Like…it’s Episode 5. He should have figured this out by now. Why is so set on making sure his loved ones are safe?

18:02 Also, why would they wire a police office?

19:15 That reason being, Ryerson is a dick.

20:20 Wait…when did she die the second time? There was episode 1, there was earlier this episode…um…

21:36 Yeah! Why don’t you do that Taye? Everyone wants to know!

22:13 Ok, he’s a big softie, and he’s unsure when this will go back to normal. I am fine with this reasoning.

23:10 Did…did their dad die in a factory explosion?

24:00 Now where did this come from? Somebody in their family was crazy?

24:54 Where could she possibly be? She spends literally the entire day at the hospital every other time this day has happened.

25:39 That really put a real damper on my mood.

25:55 I didn’t! It was eight days ago. Maybe stop resetting your dumb day counter before every episode.

26:52 Tell him about the game! It was a real exciting game.

28:05 Wait…he found the camera, and then just decided not to check on the other stuff?

28:37 You know, like Groundhog Day.

29:14 Because he’s a Republican, you see.

29:34 Exactly how many ex-partners does Taye have exactly? Every time I turn around there seems to be another one.

30:20 Maybe a wiccan put a curse on me for being a jerk, and that part was cut from the movie for being too goofy.

31:03 Hang on, did Ryerson just save his life? Why? And who was that guy in the ventilation shaft?

32:41 Haha! Ryerson kept a tab! I love this guy now.

34:06 I think that guy was talking to the audience. “Come on guys, Baxter. Seriously.”

35:26 Oops! The continuity person missed the part where the supposedly active phone’s lights went out right before the guy talked into it. Two points from Gryffindor.

36:40 I will write a thorough report on you tomorrow! Which will never happen!

37:10 I had not counted on your propensity to be a complete dick.

37:42 Wire hangers!

38:20 HEARD IT! Get to the point.

39:29 I’ve got Vera. (Only Firefly reference, I promise.)

40:44 This was super dramatic. I’m on the edge of my seat.

41:06 HAHAHAHA! Oh man…Ryerson beat the crap out of him! Hilarious.

42:03 Where did he get that? I thought only locksmiths could buy those.

42:25 Oh man he left his tab! (slow clap) Bravo, writer. Bravo.

Verdict: That one was pretty good! Dramatic, lot of plot points, lots of payoffs, a good rationalization for why Taye doesn’t just take a day and go to Six Flags or something, yeah…good work. Go team Day Break. Man, what happened? (research) Oh, it aired in Lost’s timeslot when the show was on hiatus during Season 3 and disappointed a lot of jerky fans by not being perfect. Okay, I get it.

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