Monday, May 28, 2012

Daybreak - Episode 6: "What If They Find Him"

Is this the same “they” from the first episode? Because it makes absolutely no sense if so. I’m assuming the him in this scenario is Taye, and, well, shit, they have found him from minute 1. They know where he is. He’s at home!

LAST TIME: Taye loses his shit and decided to take a police officer hostage in a police station. Because he is stressed, and that’s what happens when one is stressed. He should really take a break, before he gets shot to death.

1:17 Meanwhile, at some random coffee shop that we haven’t seen before…

1:43 Yeah…execution style tends to be to the head, not the chest. I mean come on, everyone knows this.

2:27 Oh man, sweet van, bro.

3:00 Did that grenade make the Halo laser warm-up sound effect? How? Grenades kinda just explode.

Oh no Ryerson got shot to death! It’s a good thing he will totally be alive in exactly 1 minute! Time loop!

4:42 I guess his shoulder is all healed then? I mean, he has time for morning sex, so…

5:54 You guys remember Eddie? Do you? Yeah…I don’t either.

7:00 Funky chase music!

7:17 Even funkier got the guy music!

8:00 Was that a robot? Is there robot graffiti? Oh man, I suddenly am okay with the concept of graffiti.

8:32 Surprise! Birthday party that sounds like gun fire for some reason.

9:55 Taye punch!

10:31 It’s a book! You’ve surely seen a book before, right?

11:02 Wait…the guy that was pegged for her murder was in jail at the time? What kind of corrupt police bullshit happened in this case?

12:11 Jesus, I guess.

12:43 She has boat light eyes! Creepy as shit! She must get a lot of work! It’s a rare condition!

13:22 Yeah, I just posted some random pictures to this dumb pillar, and Jesus looks for them…it’s an imperfect system.

14:08 Oh right, Taye is still wanted for murder. I kinda forgot about that.

15:21 Yeah, I’m totally a CI! I mean, that’s a credible excuse, right?

16:35 Man, it’s like a Catholic service in here…saying every line twice in both languages.

17:07 Yeah, it was right here. Don’t know how you didn’t see it. I mean you were seconds away from finding it.

18:12 OH FUCK! Is Ryerson super dead? Is he dead forever because he died the previous night wait no that won’t work, we already determined people can come back from the dead oh there he is.

18:59 This lady we don’t totally recognize!

19:18 Why is he doing this all again!? He already has the name!

19:57 That was a weird scene.

21:11 Woo yeah! Sweet van is back!

21:29 Like, fifteen years ago. I’m amazed that you didn’t come to this conclusion already.

22:07 Great establishing poster, guys. Very 90’s.

22:57 The shoebox is full of hourglasses! Oh no, just hotel soups, that’s lame.

23:32 There’s a Spanish phrase for sugar daddy? Hm.

They are just spinning through the days! We are already on the third night of this episode.

25:23 Oh, a gun! Good thinking, Taye! I don’t know why these hardened criminals didn’t think to use a gun last time they encountered these random terrorists.

26:01 Changing the station…apparently not an option.

26:49 That was kinda the greatest. They kicked him out of the car and threw the bad mixtape at him.

27:36 Yeah, he’s been attacked like every night since you started stealing that murder book. This is your fault, Taye! Your fault!

29:07 Cop stuff cop stuff cop stuff.

29:35 Watch as Taye takes at least ten seconds establishing that this is the right house.

29:53 How poor could the lighting in this guy’s house be? Also, how could Taye recognize just his silhouette?

30:48 So…I guess he got shot? That was a weird transition.

31:20 Oh dang, Mike from Breaking Bad continues to be completely nonchalant in the face of adversity, even in other series.

32:32 When did Taye get all this blackmail information?

33:18 Does he work for Chulthu? Because I think putting a gun to someone’s head is pretty bad.

33:47 I guess it’s tomorrow again? The hell is going on?

34:41 I’ll just climb into the backseat of this car that was not properly established to have a driver in it already.

35:25 Oh, I guess Mike passed on his being-constantly-in-shadows ability to this new big bad.

36:27 Oh no there’s a man in the back seat maybe! Oh nope, never mind.

36:51 That is a weird place to keep your computer tower…nowhere near a monitor and keyboard.

37:20 Just going to the mall at 9:00 at night, can’t imagine they would be closed or anything.

37:51 Hold up, I just realized, why was his second call to the goddamn gang leader he knew? Why did he call his sister last?

38:50 Get it? Time loop joke!

39:19 Just back from her 12-hour shift, I guess…

40:09 Oh sweet, quarry meeting. Everyone meet at the quarry and stand around among the random construction vehicles or whatever and act ominous.

41:27 They are dumping sand on him? You know that people can quite easily crawl out of sand, right?

42:08 Oh no the sister I suppose!

Verdict: I was unnaturally pumped to see Mike get punched in the face a lot. I don’t hardly understand why Taye went through some much effort to save everyone, considering shit would just reset again tomorrow, but…we already established why he cares, so… I don’t know, pretty interested,  lot of good notes, although super dubious how Taye found out who Mike is.

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