Friday, May 18, 2012

Rosario + Vampire - Episode 10: "Sunflowers and a Vampire"

Well those two words don’t belong together at all. I mean, the word sun is involved. Now that I think about, what is up with the vampire having absolutely none of the weaknesses that vampires usually have? She even wears a crucifix around her neck!

LAST TIME: Everyone goes on holiday and swimsuits are involved, and then they run into another witch. Come on, we already have a witch. But anyway, after little girl witch has a fit for no reason, main character gets stabbed or something. I kinda wasn’t paying attention. It was a beach episode, I wasn’t expecting plot.

0:38 That’s a lady?

1:19 Well…yeah…if the satellite was floating, zero gravity kinda makes sense. Satellites are in space.

2:35 I don’t think that’s fair, I didn’t think the new playable character from Final Fantasy X-2 was that bad.

2:45 THAT’S A VAGINA. Well, it’s about time they got around to nudity.

3:13 Soda canned!

3:30 Yeah, sure, I can care less that you almost killed me. Also, don’t ask what the hell happened and why we are suddenly in this tent.

4:32 The only people I kill are humans. Who cares if they represents over 99 percent of intelligent life on the planet.

5:23 I would like to mention that this new witch looks even more like a vampire than the actual vampire. Right out of a Toreador splat book.

6:05 I guess this song montage means she’s completely changed her mind?

6:44 OF COURSE that is the one moment she remembers about the succubus.

7:18 BAM! Oh whoops! Should have watched where I was flying.

7:49 They are really concerned about that person they met three hours ago.

8:11 Is…is the main character just immune to vines? Why the hell isn’t he tied up and forced to flash his underroos?

8:52 Card Captor Sakura? Never heard of it.

9:26 I like when there are so many enemies that they end up being a literal pile.

10:04 Phallic symbol phallic symbol.

10:25 Wait, he had to ask for advice to do the thing he does literally every episode? Oh course you pull off the rosary, stupid.

11:42 Hope you guys like speed lines!

12:39 Hey buddy, you need to work on your cardio. You are moving like six inches a second.

13:24 And then they start making out!

13:55 Oh no some…roots?

14:42 Okay, yeah…why did he do that and why are we now staring at heaving breasts?

15:16 This yoga routine seems a little extreme.

16:12 What? How does that make sense? If she’s been dead, then who the hell is controlling the plants?

17:30 Of course she spazzed out. What did you expect her to do?

18:15 Man, this is the laziest episode. So much poor linework and lingering shots.

19:08 Oh yeah, of course you can. Why couldn’t you?

19:36 It’s a really dumb weakness! I mean, we hold them in our hand. There are a dozen ways to counter us!

20:14 And then everybody goes out for ice cream!

20:27 I WAS JOKING! I did not really expect them to say ice cream!

21:17 Oh hey what’s up Cat Lady, where the fuck have you been? We kinda fought a huge battle that took up over 50 acres and was louder than a Metallica concert.

21:41 Yeah yeah, bus. There are no words written anywhere, what is with the label?

22:02 Don’t ask what I was doing in the ocean. Probably not important.

24:46 This underwear isn’t even rational. Who would wear that under a schoolgirl skirt?

Verdict: I think this episode was written by a 12-year-old. So many explosions and so many gratuitous panty shots. Plus the animation sucked. Also, this new girl could probably use a therapist. In fact, therapists all around!

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