Monday, May 7, 2012

Day Break - Episode 4: “What If He Can Change the Day”

WHAT IF INDEED! Man, that would completely change the dynamics of the show. Except what day would he change it to? How would it still make sense if he did that?

LAST TIME: Taye managed to pick up his mail and decided that it’ll probably be okay if he doesn’t protect his girlfriend at all times, because again, day resets. Also some stuff about some meeting he has to go to and some lady he needs to protect, it’s a little confusing.

1:21 What? This is breaking the rules. You can’t start the episode AT NIGHT.

2:06 OH SHIT guys Batmanuel is guest starring. Let me get my eyeliners jokes ready. (Opens disturbing full cabinet of Nestor Carbonell jokes.)

2:34 This is great and all but who is Eddie? Should we know Eddie?

3:09 Which one of you is driving?! You should probably watch the road.

3:43 Yeah, that’ll happen when you drive like a crazy person for no reason.

4:26 That was really easy. Why did she suggest running, exactly?

5:12 How many days does it take magical bullet wounds to heal, exactly?

Well, the package hasn’t been important yet, so…

And whatever you do, don’t push him out the window.

8:25 Maybe it’s a huge coincidence? Definitely not because he’s been reliving the same day over and over again.

9:09 Oh, you can tell he’s hiding something because when she turned away he looked all crestfallen.

9:55 Well them Duke boys decided to escape their captors in the silliest way possible.

11:21 Oh my for some reason they sent a second package to her sister. Wait…why?

12:00 Durp durp, just painting these tomatoes.

12:37 Batmanuel looked a little too happy to hear about somebody being wanted for murder.

13:33 Why didn’t he shave this morning? He looks awful.

14:55 Somebody has a real awesome party in here, bra.

15:38 You’re coming to this conclusion NOW? He’s had nothing nice to say about your husband all day.

16:24 Is this black car a goddamn shark, why does the soundtrack make a noise whenever it drives by?

17:06 Well, I was wanted for murder already, might as well commit some real ones.

18:30 Wait, you saw this guy murder two dudes, why are you asking him to leave your house? You should try to keep him there as long as possible so they take him in.

19:37 That guy is a boaster. He doesn’t know shit, silly.

20:23 Is there no longer a manhunt after him? How is he calling the police station with zero consequences?

Did he intentionally drop his phone and spill his coffee? Or is he just clumsy?

22:47 And I guess he’s a ghost now, apparently, because nobody saw him standing stark still by a crime scene.

Oh okay, they have a tracking device on his car. That makes a lot more sense than my theory.

25:27 What’s up, Taye? I was just putting my make-up on. (Boom!)

26:22 Just lurking in the bushes, don’t mind me.

27:13 HAHAHA! That was very fun, I liked that line. Good work, Ryerson.

28:50 How will it not look like a trap? There would need to be huge signs that read, “If someone starts firing guns, know that the responsible parties are…”

29:40 I keep going back to this terrible restaurant every day and the quesadillas just taste awful.

Well, if you’re going to buy drugs, might as well be from an informant. At least you know you them?

32:09 Raawwr.

32:47 Also, all of my actions don’t have consequences, so I’m going to just shoot the crap out of anyone I want.

33:33 Now I will have to wait until TOMORROW! So frustrated!

35:05 Oh jeez, they might as well have put white powder all over his nose, tone it down, Batmanuel.

36:45 You know that isn’t going to work. Jacob made you immortal, remember?

37:50 Day 9, technically, but who’s counting? (Me, I’m counting. Why are these here? Did you really think your audience was so stupid that they wouldn’t realize it was a new day?)

38:55 OH DANG! He can actually close out plot points if he does it right? Well that makes things pretty interesting.

40:16 Are they going to make out?

40:35 Batmanuel is CRANKY.

41:05 Also, he just left this piece of mail that was extremely important in the back seat for any old dummie to find and help move the plot forward?

42:15 Oh there are fingerprints on the hourglass, okay, that makes more sense. Now if only everything leading up to this revelation made sense.

Verdict: I like that they proved he can actually get stuff done and we won’t have to put up with the same bullshit literally every day, but now I’m stuck wondering if he has to field these calls every morning. “Thank you, random lawyer lady, I did help you get over your caffeine addiction so you won’t get hit by a bus. Can I call you back? I’ve got the waitress on line 2 calling to thank me for reminding her what white wine looks like.

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