Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New Avengers/Transformers - Issue 2

For some reason the cover artist was under the impression that Wolverine is actually a dog. Like a bulldog. Look at him, it's so cute.

LAST TIME: The Avengers were all huge dicks to each other, and then the Transformers showed up and were as awesome as possible, because of course Transformers are better than your stupid comic book heroes.

Page 1: Hehe, they give us a little break down of everyone involved, and for Falcon, they have "Aerial expert." Falcon: He can fly I guess.

Page 3, Panel 1: What? Transformers have standard human containment techniques? Didn't they just get here?

Page 3, Panel 2: Don't kill anyone unless you really feel like it.

Page 4, Panel 4: PPPFFF. Ms. Marvel got taken out by an airbag.

Page 5, Panel 1: I would probably read "Avengers Vs. NASCAR," great suggestion, Wolverine.

Page 5, Panel 3: Also, obviously a random woman wouldn't be here, stupid.

Page 6, Panel 2: Falcon is pretty sick of Captain America's bullshit.

Page 6, Panel 4: Wolverine is under the car just stabbing things.

Page 8, Panel 1: Hey look it's Doom. What's up Doom?

Page 9, Panel 2: They had these magic devices that turned off the aggression wave and they were wasting their time running Wolverine over with a car?

Page 10, Panel 1: I did this in the last three minutes, apparently.

Page 10, Panel 4: Apparently Captain America is okay with Dr. Doom being on a three-strike system. "Do that one more time, young man..."

Page 11, Panel 1: Yeah, go ahead and pretend these two franchises are in the same continuity.

Page 12, Panel 1: It's...a little sexist to make the only female flip out so much, guys.

Page 12, Panel 2: OF COURSE Iron Man would be monitoring that. Iron Man grew up in the 80's after all. And he's a huge fan of Michael Bay.

Page 13, Panel 2: What is up with robots being able to project people? And why would they be doing this after already revealing they are giant robots?

Page 13, Panel 3: OH HE SAID IT!

Page 14, Panel 4: So...he stole Spider-Man's powers? Sure, great, how?

Page 15, Panel 2: I always think anyone I met less than half a mega-cycle ago is trying to usurp me, because of a paranoid lunatic.

Page 15, Panel 6: That wasn't a joke, Spider-Man. That didn't even make sense.

Page 16, Panel 3: It is totally a real thing.

Page 17, Panel 1: Hey, check out the names of all these stupid robots.

Page 18, Panel 1: Oh cute, they're "bonding."

Page 19, Panel 2: Dr. Doom is just standing around judging people. It's like when the popular girl is assigned to help clean the gymnasium after the dance.

Page 19, Panel 4: See ya, Doom! Don't come back!

Page 19, Panel 5: You idiots have been punching the side of that building for two hours? Also why the hell isn't it daytime now, it's been half-a-day?

Page 20, Panel 1: Why the hell when the giant robots ever turn into cars to get into fights? The airplane with a gun, I can understand, but the sports cars aren't that threatening.

Page 20, Panel 4: Wasn't he in his semitruck form literally seconds ago? Either show them changing or just not have them change at all.

Page 22, Panel 1: That''s not Iron Man. For one, he's like 25 feet tall, and two, the model is way off, and three, where the hell has Iron Man been?

Verdict: Meh, I hate middle issues. Nothing interesting ever happens. The fight between our heroes was dumb, and while it was cool that Dr. Doom showed up, acting like a jerk, and then just left, this was not super interesting. And why do the Transformers know so much about humans? They literally just got to Earth.

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