Friday, October 5, 2012

Moeyo Ken: Episode 1 - "Welcome Home"

Netflix Synopsis: Set in an alternate version of the Meiji era, this wacky anime series follows Yuuko Kondou, Toshie Hijikata and Kaoru Okita, daughters of former members of the legendary samurai Shinsengumi team. Following in their fathers' footsteps, the three young women work to protect Japan from evil forces. But modern-day problems -- including a chronic lack of funds -- and surreal adversaries make the job much tougher than it was for their fathers.

So, let’s move onto something with a bit less leering, a bit more swordplay. Also, rollercoasters, apparently. I’m cool with that, roller coasters are neat enough. Wish I knew what on earth the Meiji era was, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to both to look it up.

0:27 Oh no absolutely everyone is falling at me.

1:00 This intro seems to be telling me that there are way too many fucking characters in this.

1:46 And we started with a cat woman drawing in a poor sap into her sex den. GREAT.

2:26 Oh hey, CGI trolley. Huge fan of those.

2:50 Oh Christ, why does this creepy fat cat thing sound like Paul Lynde?

3:37 The mailman seems to be made of paper.

4:43 Wait, I didn’t confirm your statement.

5:08 Leave him alone! This kappa just wants to take his cucumbers home.

5:52 Oh hey, Team Rocket is here.

6:46 That’s right, kappa. Get the fuck out of there.

7:23 You can buy swords on loan?

7:40 That’s how you know he’s the main character, because he smiles at literally everything.

8:40 So, I lied, I looked it up, the Meiji era was around the turn of the 20th century. During a time when they definitely didn’t have rocket launchers, show.

9:32 Oh no the return of the crazy eye landlord!

10:11 Oh right, naked boobs. I guess that’s still a thing.

10:35 Wait, did one of those creepy things just turn into a giant tiger?

11:14 Put on a shirt! What are you doing?

11:56 Maybe if you didn’t have like four creepy monster children, you wouldn’t be so deep in the red.

12:44 I can’t get this stupid abacus to work. How hard could it be to move a bunch of beads around?

14:28 They continue to act like we would have any idea who all these people are.

14:52 I cannot stop laughing at the Paul Lynde voice! It is so ridiculous.

15:54 Excuse me while I jump into my Batcave. Can’t see anything wrong with letting you know this exists.

16:28 That lady took a giant turtle monster marching through her town really well. Didn’t bother to stop pouring her tea.

17:05 I…I think you skipped a step. Taking down a random government program does not equal world domination.

17:46 Wait wait wait…the monster fighting group are privately owned but have to respond to threats against the public like a government organization? Do they at least have a government contract?

18:44 Oh, those monster children are in fact pieces of paper. Makes sense?

19:36 Spirit bullets. Yeah sure.

20:04 Those are some noisy fucking seagulls.

20:37 You’d think I could move or something! But nope! Just have to stand here.

21:18 And the main character has been hit by a tree and has died. The end.

21:39 OH GOD! RUN KID! You are naked next to the Paul Lynde cat. This will end badly!

22:08 That lady ran the full gamut of emotions. Like, all of them.

22:39 You mean these people with the exact same hairstyle are related?

23:33 Paul Lynde Cat cannot get into that pot of honey.

24:42 Oh joke is on him! It was actually a jack-in-the-box.

Verdict: Sure hope you were paying attention, because they felt confident that we could handle being introduced to 15 different characters without even slowing down. I kinda had no clue what was going on, but I kinda liked the pace! Also weird that the main character appears to have died and was raised for no clear reason. Wonder if that will come back later.

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