Friday, October 12, 2012

Moeyo Ken - Episode 2: "Touch a Maiden's Hair"

Well, this got gross fast.

LAST TIME: Some dude goes home to Kyoto to hang out with a bunch of crazy ladies and a giant turtle monster attacks. Also, a whole bunch of names ending with vowels are said, in a way that makes me think we were supposed to be paying attention!

These seem to be giving way more than necessary attention to this waitress in the opening sequence. She’s…she’s just a waitress, right?

1:44 Holy shit a lady on a wagon. Everyone is flabbergasted.

2:37 When in doubt, hit shit with your wooden sword.

3:13 5000 yen? That’s like…$50, isn’t it? Things sure did cost less in the 19th century.

That sure is a piece of paper alright.

4:17 Wait…so this idiot is borrowing money to pay off this loan? He does understand how credit works, right?

5:07 Is it the cat? Is he going to put up the Paul Lynde cat as collateral? Please?

6:05 This guy really has absolutely no idea how money works. “Let’s issue stock to pay off our debt.”

Turnip puns are not fucking funny.

7:14 What the mother hell is going on? Turnip monsters?

8:02 So…they really managed to raise enough money to live by issuing turnip insurance? Really?

Ug! If I really wanted a bunch of economic policy discussion, I would have watched Spice and Wolf.

Back to Shanghai! It’s super worrisome for some reason.

10:04 Oh no she has become a zombie!

10:39 Oh those Japanese, always stealing every aspect of their culture and society from the Chinese.

11:15 HAHAHAHA! Rickshaw license plates!

11:49 What’s going on in here? Is it a problem a really gay-sounding cat can solve?

12:30 OH, okay. The main character is in love with the waitress lady. That explains it.

13:13 Oh geez, the Paul Lynde cat has fallen in love with the only other male character in the show, big surprise.

13:53 Haha, boob joke, take a drink.

14:24 Thanks, Dave Coulier.

14:51 Well, they seem to be handling all this homosexual overtones pretty well for turn-of-the-century folk.

15:43 “This cake is great.” HUGE UNCOMFORTABLE FIVE-SECOND SILENCE. “Thanks.”

16:16 Wait…if what you’re trying to achieve is already in effect, then why go forward with the plan?

17:06 Oh hey, gross tentacle monster. That didn’t take long.

17:24 WHAT A DICK! What is wrong with the main characters? Come on, octopus, why are your standards so high?

17:55 UG! Of course he is abducting underage girls. (Japan.)

18:30 Everyone eat my fucking cake!

19:06 Nice, um, calling card.

19:46 Oh he is King Konging this bitch.

Oh Christ, the octopus defeated that guy with panty shots.

I like how this octopus sounds like a huge creep, even with the fat guy voice.

21:22 BUH, how did she slice that entire building in half?

21:43 Yo, what’s up, I can fly, apparently!

22:40 But…but…the loan was for six thousand. Have their forgotten their own plot points already?

And now absolutely everyone is naked.

Verdict: That had very little to do with touching of hair! The gross octopus was kind of fun, although the central conflict was a bit stupid. How hard could it have been to just…ask him to stay? Instead of resorting to some crazy pheromone-based plot? I don’t know.

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