Friday, April 27, 2012

Rosario + Vampire - Episode 7: "Snow Girl and a Vampire"

Is that the thing where some teenage boy makes a regular snowman and then packs two lumps on the torso and then chuckles to himself and then feels burning shame and knocks it over? Because I have no idea what that’s like! (We had unusually light winters when I was a teenager.)

LAST TIME: Our, um, team joins the newspaper club and meets a pervert who is also a werewolf. The werewolf does some super obvious stuff until eventually being cornered and subsequently beaten up and exposed, yet I have the strangest feeling that this asshole isn’t going to go away.

0:33 I knew it! Why are they still friends with this guy? Why are they still in this club?

0:56 Useless noodling on the clarinet…

1:28 Snacks and drinks? You guys are going ALL OUT on this party of yours.

2:19 The vampire immediately reestablishes her dominance over the hero by forcefully grabbing his arm after he even TALKS to another girl. Get out while you can, buddy.

3:39 Oh surprise surprise, the little “ruin the episode” window reveals that the vampire’s rosary is going to be broken again. That would a surprise if it didn’t happen, say, absolutely every episode.

4:36 Wait, this chick hasn’t gone to class in MONTHS? Did the catgirl do the Bueller bit before absolutely every class? How did no one find that suspicious?

5:45 Oh, thanks. A tome. That’s…nice.

6:05 Hey guys, guess what? She’s in love with him. SURPRISED?

6:35 The faculty room sign has a skull on it!

7:07 In fact, it might have been something that we probably should have looked into weeks ago. Seriously, she should have been expelled by now.

8:05 Yep, she’s also crazy as shit.

8:39 Hold still a second, I’m just going to choke you to death.

9:03 She has ice powers, you see. You probably figured that out by now. Or, say, way before the episode even started.

9:46 Lady, there’s a difference between “drawn together” and “being stalked by a creepy ice princess.”

10:19 It was probably really exciting, but we couldn’t be bothered to animate it. Let’s throw in more panty shots instead.

11:21 And that’s why teenage girls should not have supernatural powers, and be left completely unattended at a monster school.

12:00 Hi guy! See you later!

12:38 Frosty the snowskank! The succubus says the best things!

13:27 Any reason at all you covered him in bandages when as far as we know he was flashfrozen?

14:07 They sure are pretty smiley about one of their fellow students going on a homicidal rampage.

14:42 Just reminding you that I’m also in the show, how’s it going everyone?

15:10 Okay sure, how about some bebop music?

16:35 Man, fuck that teacher! Also, of course the molesty teacher would be an octopus monster.

17:20 Oof. I really wish this lady’s depression and self-loathing wasn’t so believable.

18:18 I mean, the only interaction we’ve had with each other involved you trying to freeze me forever, but we’re tots best friends, right?

18:58 I’m surprised she just doesn’t take it off herself at the first sign of trouble. Becoming a mega vampire solves literally every problem they have.

19:54 She didn’t even touch them! The ice sculptures just exploded!

20:35 Vampires solve all their problems by kicking! Even when dealing with a depressed teenager.

21:37 (That hairdo is pretty cute.)

22:08 No they are pervert pictures and you know it! Don’t be surprised!

22:45 A member of the faculty is RIGHT THERE! I’m pretty sure sucking his blood is against school rules. Show some restraint.

23:46 You know, they haven’t adequately explained how they get the necklace back on. Does mega bitchy vampire just let them weld the cross back on each time? Do they keep a soldering iron in their back pocket for just such an occasion?

24:43 Wow guys. Great sell. I’m really looking forward to the next episode about math.

Verdict: Boy they sure wrote that teenage drama very believably. I imagine a real 15-year-old with ice powers would do the exact same thing, and that is depressing as hell. But I guess there’s one more girl in the group too, just need one more to round it off.

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