Monday, April 2, 2012

No Ordinary Family - Episode 19: "No Ordinary Future"

Is there an ordinary future? Does anyone get to a point in their life where they stop and say, “Yep, this is exactly what I was expecting! Nothing out of the ordinary here"? Boring people do, I bet.

LAST TIME: The criminal who our heroes help get superpowers starts running around killing people. Darla is injured while fighting him, and so Chiklis takes her to the bad guy instead of to a hospital, and they give her even more superpowers, because why not? Also, Marcia is pregnant with Minion’s baby, and that gives her superpowers somehow.

0:39 Oh no the army? Wait what? What is going on?

1:31 Darla is invisible? This is confusing. (She probably jumped to a different timeline or something.)

2:20 And then she got pulled through some kind of wormhole!

2:59 Let me state out loud what happened last episode in case you weren’t paying attention.

3:36 Haha! Pretending to be a mugger in a very public place is hilarious!

4:04 He has more eggs than actual cops?

5:47 OH NO drive by shooting! That was unexpected!

6:46 Listen buddy! It was nice to talk to you.

7:17 He was an extremely lazy cop.

7:35 Lucy Lawless is in this! I can’t wait to not recognize her!

8:10 The teenagers use their superpowers for personal gain for the dozenth time.

8:35 And then he became super awesome! Come on, you know Franklin Richards is a pimp.

9:02 How is she visibly pregnant already? Didn’t she find out she was having a child yesterday?

9:58 You can tell they are on the run because the costume department covered them in a film of dirt.

She can run into the future! The stupid, unbelievable future.

11:40 SHE’S ALIVE?! What the hell?

13:08 What would you do instead, Mystique? Go to SeaWorld?

13:46 The Silver Surfer traveled through time? Could you have picked superheroes who made time travel more of their thing? Like…Cable? Okay never mind.

14:00 Also, it’s been like three minutes since I figured it out, so I haven’t really had time to tell him.

14:41 Actually, he was more your frenemy, and didn’t really talk to you much.

15:49 Maybe your boss is a Jedi and has advanced mental blocks.

16:48 How do her chromosomes show any sign of change? If her chromosomes changed, she would look like a completely different person.

17:36 I like how in the future, everyone who isn’t someone we know or a military guy just went on vacation or something.

18:20 Oh I know who this FBI guy resembles, Ron Swanson!
19:23 I can travel into the future, tehe.

19:58 Like literally everyone here. Every single one of you has used your superpowers in a public place with no attempt to hide your face.

21:08 What were you doing when these guys broke into your home? Just hanging on the coach? Reading a magazine?

Does the government just have an infinite “dudes standing around” budget? How many boots did they deploy to hunt down a family who, as far as we know, they already have in custody?

23:48 Oh no! The Event!

24:31 Or maybe running down to the town square is what causes the Event? Maybe? You idiot?

25:20 Hand over the evidence! Why are still dicking around with it? Give it to someone with some actual authority!

26:50 That guy is a bad guy. Don’t go and meet him. He’s a bad guy.

28:26 Wait, this is the parking garage of the labs! I thought he was going to the police station parking garage. (They have one parking garage set.)

29:59 Wait, is Bender a mechanic or a tow truck driver?

30:42 Why would someone be trying to assassinate MC Skat Kat? What the hell did he do?

31:19 I wish they would stop making their moments of extreme violence so hilarious! Every time she comes out of the time portal, she slams into something and it is slapsticky.

There are a dozen solutions to this problem! Tackle MC Skat Kat instead! Stop the shooter without flipping the truck! Anything!

33:51 Like that. Instead just open the door and punch him. Much better. Don’t know why you did the first thing in the bad future.

34:25 That was a long hug.

34:46 Pills is also confused on how she is supposed to help.

25:44 This guy has been walking through the crowd with a gun for a full minute now, how has no one seen him?

36:30 No one else notices this little scene?! That is beyond unbelievable. Just MENTIONING the word gun should cause every cop there to lose his shit.

Maybe you could use your superpowers to make things even more terrible and unethical!

38:45 Didn’t she…already try to do this? Wasn’t that the major conflict from a few episodes ago? That she kept trying to get Bender to forget she had superpowers and it didn’t stick? And wouldn’t he notice that an entire month of his life went missing?

40:17 Whoops! She erased her entire relationship! How hilarious and stupid! Thus proof that Darla continues to be the worst person with terrible ideas.

Hey! Hey person who is supposed to be dead and could look like literally anyone else! Don’t walk around as yourself!

42:03 Oh, and I guess whoever this lady is just ordered Marcia’s death. Yeah, I’m sure that’s going to happen.

Verdict: Clumsy clumsy. Everything that happened could have gone a different way if everyone didn’t act like such a bonehead. I don’t get why at no point they thought warning MC Skat Kat about his imminent and frankly unwarranted assassination wasn’t necessary, and why Pills even considered mindwiping Bender. Also mad that Mystique is alive again for no reason, and that Marcia is now literally a McGuffin, having no real reason to be in the plot.

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