Friday, April 6, 2012

Rosario + Vampire - Episode 4: "Farewell and a Vampire"

Leaving already? Who can be leaving? We have met only four characters! And I know for a fact there are 20 more episodes, so what, I ask, is up!

LAST TIME: A preteen witch decides that being a complete lunatic is acceptable, and spends ten minutes grabbing a woman’s breasts, and then tries to ruin some lives! Then she is almost eaten by lizard men, and then something happens, and long story short, she’s also in love with the main character. That’s how this works.

0:27 Where the hell are the dorms? Why are they always walking through this dumb forest?

1:20 This guy doesn’t handle pressure well. I’ve never seen someone just scream out in class, yet it seems to happen all the time in anime.

3:19 Seriously, bro, this chick is REALLY into you. You need to do something about that.

4:06 Sexy needs…

4:24 Is that a kiln? Is this school in an MMORPG?

4:56 The hell is going on? How is there a third group of three losers in as many episodes?

5:40 HAHAHA! The bat is drunk!

6:57 Guys, this is our chance! (Run away!)

7:10 Seriously, it was literally impossible for me to get hurt during that attack.

7:54 Um, I’m pretty sure you have to dial a number before you can contact someone on your cell phone. That’s kinda how cell phones work.

8:44 And now, here are some men humping posterboards. Also known as fans of this show. (OH BURN!)

9:29 Pumpkin Photo Event Notice

9:40 Wait, these sell BOOZE here? At this high school?

9:58 Because he’s fat you see.

10:43 Maybe we should do something rational? “There’s no need!”

11:26 DUDE! These women volunteered to beat up all your enemies! Set aside your pride.

11:50 I almost told those other people that already know you’re a human that you were in fact a human.

12:35 Just using my magic to sweep up this dirt courtyard!

13:12 I don’t know why the bus driver is evil.

13:52 Oh god he’s an umbrella monster! (Umbrella monster?)

14:59 You guys couldn’t walk here?

15:24 “Magic Wand: Love seat!”

15:51 Come on, shithead! You have heart powers, stop confusing your physical weakness as you being a wimp. Literally every time.

16:31 Wait, there’s a romance anti-trust act?

16:42 I suddenly feel like I need to call Chris Hansen. (Sit right down over there.)

17:56 I will not lie, this really dumb nonsense is actually entertaining in a parody sort of way. They just turned into a huge gross monster.

18:26 Without fail, he pulled off her necklace, because hey, why win a fight without cheating?

19:13 And…the nerds fell in love with the evil vampire, because they are dumb nerds.

20:04 This showdown countdown clock joke still isn’t funny.

20:47 Wait what? He wasn’t planning to leave after all? He just needed the bus driver to deliver some letter? Why not just use the goddamn postal system?

21:52 Hold up! They have access to e-mail systems? Then why didn’t he just send an e-mail to your folks?!

Which will cause a 3000% increase to the transportation budget, so…blame congress.

23:51 I just realized that half of this finishing song is just a lady waking up in the morning. Rolling over in bed, thinking about starting a pot of coffee…

24:44 Next week swimsuits! Get your…penises ready?

Verdict: This one was actually kinda funny. The nerds were awful, yes, but entertainingly awful. Sure, everything that happened in this episode was pointless, and I am kinda tired of the same thing happening every episode, but hey, at least this got this dumb episode out of the way quickly.

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