Monday, February 20, 2012

No Ordinary Family - Episode 13: "No Ordinary Detention"

Oh man, if it turns out like the detention in Morning Glories, that would be messed up and awful. Flood the room! (You all should read Morning Glories. It will start having an interesting resolution any decade now.)

LAST TIME: Chiklis has a douchebag brother who does douchebag things, like use Tiberius’s math powers to cheat at gambling, for example. He also owned money to a TV loan shark, who thought roughing up customers and then killing them was more important than just charging a ridiculous interest rate instead. It’s just good business. Oh, and Minion continues to try and quit his job, it‘s apparently harder than you’d think.

0:35 Casually abusing your superpowers, exhibit 37.

0:54 “That’s not a euphemism, they are actually studying.” As opposed to super raunchy teenage sex.

1:44 He is just pushing over everyone he sees!

2:00 Okay, how did EVERYONE not see him jump onto that roof? He was only like 12 feet up!

2:44 Why does she give such a shit about what this stereotypical bad boy is thinking? Stop reading his mind if he bothers you.

3:39 Ha! Deserved comeuppance, take that Pills.

4:09 I am a medical doctor, which was established. You gotta wonder why I don’t work at a hospital.

5:41 She’s right there! Pass a note!

5:59 Wait, he asked her her favorite color? Is he nine?

7:07 I just realized that Minion has not bothered to establish a last name for himself.

7:47 Minion? Did you really assume there was another reason she might be taking you to the lab?

8:33 Chiklis has decided that looking as guilty as possible is his best defense during an Internal Affairs investigation.

9:47 MAN it is really easy for criminals to steal someone’s gun at this police station. This has got to be the third time it’s happened this far.

10:24 There is a random pregnant lady at the police station! Just to ramp up the tension.

11:03 Yeah yeah, you guys are talking about Die Hard, good for you.

11:17 Um, that black dude was Carl Winslow, show some respect.

13:00 This better go full Breakfast Club or I’m leaving! (I’m not leaving.)

13:27 WHAT? AGAIN? This smart chick is awful.

13:58 Did…did we miss the scene where MC Skat Kat was captured?

14:49 Man, this guy even looks like John Bender.

15:31 I don’t get it, was that a reference to something that happened earlier?

15:46 Okay, they suddenly cut back to the police station with the hostage situation and I wasn’t ready and thought they were still at the school and there was a lunatic with a shotgun in the halls.

16:52 I don’t know why they are making a huge deal, Minion looks exactly the same as he usually does. All creepy and baggy eyed.

17:30 Did…did she not see him use his telekinetic powers? OH! This is Mystique. Obviously.

18:47 Does the injection have a mind control serum in it? Why won’t he take the drug that will save his life?

20:20 And…who the hell are you? Seriously, who is this bitchy girl?

21:31 Stop looking at the camera!

22:17 Wait…how does Mystique know the names of Darla’s family? Was she briefed?


24:22 Oh man, you guys should have totally seen it, too bad it wasn’t worth filming.

25:45 Oh, apparently he murdered a guy. That’s not fun.

26:24 Ah…and now we have some random criminal who also knows about Chiklis’s vigilantism. I can’t wait for all this plot development to be erased.

27:45 Wait, what? She’s a foster child? Since when? Wouldn’t he have known that by now?

28:45 The one on the left is the real one! She mentioned comic books! Don’t draw this out.

29:58 See! Told you, and yet you get stupid and get hit with a garbage can. Dummy.

31:32 Don’t tell them about your superpowers, idiot! What is wrong with you?

32:03 Yeah…they can’t see those random symbols like you can.

32:35 Apparently you can make snow in a science lab sink?

32:56 What would injecting Marsha with the serum do?

34:20 Sure is a good thing he can withstand being shot by bullets!

35:10 OH! Okay. I thought he just randomly revealed his superpowers, because who else hasn’t done that yet?

36:32 So…is Mystique dead? Oh never mind, she can teleport away.

37:45 Hey guys, big surprise, Bender’s dad is a drunk.

38:40 WHAT? I totally didn’t see that coming. (Yeah, everyone totally did.)

39:55 And…random bitchy girl has a crush on Tiberius? The hell?

40:28 And then not taking this serum started killing me, and for some reason I thought I could just walk it off.

41:37 If the first words out of her mouth aren’t, “Oh by the way, there’s a super villain who knows who were all are,” I’m going to be so pissed.

Verdict: My my a lot of things that should have lasting consequences sure did happen. Really well put together, actually, if only because they blatantly ripped off the plots of three fairly good movies. This is really quite a game changer if they actually follow these plot points to their logical conclusion. TOO BAD THEY WON’T!

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