Friday, September 28, 2012

Rosario+Vampire - Episode 26: "Cross and Family and a Vampire"

Wait, you mean they might revisit those two other vampire sisters that they mentioned for like five seconds and completely forgot about in episode 15? There will be actual plot, instead of just endless panty shots. I really hope so.

LAST TIME: The vampire sacrifices herself really quickly at the start of the episode, then we spend 20 minutes dicking around. Then the main character decides to do something, finally, and now the show is almost over. Hurray!

0:20 Man, I really should have accepted a ride from that bus driver…

0:40 Um…she’s currently not in danger of anything. Why would she need to hold on?

1:19 AH FUCK. I was really hoping that we could have an episode without the goddamn peanut gallery.

1:53 Um, what are we singing about OH CRAP TORNADO!

2:36 Are you sure? You sure you don’t want to give up? Please?

3:19 It does? Why do they need this random asshole to keep the bloodline active?

4:01 Oh fun, aerial strike.

4:31 Have no budget to animate, just wait a few more seconds!

5:07 You…you don’t have to be honest. You can just shut up forever.

5:21 This lady is totally okay with her husband cheating on her over and over again. That is fucking weird!

5:50 Oh dear they are implying he is giving her oral sex!

6:52 Oh man, this is almost believably sweet.

7:20 Yeah! She hates him now! Right?

7:52 I like how we are being shown these dramatic fight scenes considering that the reason they are fighting is complete bullshit.

8:23 That makes sense! The Dark Lord is the vampires’ dad!

9:05 Welp, thanks for warning me about my death, see you later!

9:47 Maybe stop running for a second?

10:10 Something wrong with your hair, bro?

11:04 How does this guy know he said that?

11:26 Explosion!

12:19 Jesus, how is this guy not dead yet?

13:04 Wait, hey, what’s going on? What? How is he glowing?

13:31 Shirtsplosion!

13:46 Ah jeez, this is going to be expensive to clean up.

15:24 Hurray, we win.

15:46 She actually said “yoink!”

16:00 Wait, why is the castle collapsing?

16:18 What happened to your jackets?

17:03 No, really, you can pick one. Just…pick the pink-haired vampire. Do it already.

17:32 You do know you are like 17, right? You don’t have to make this decision right now.


18:18 Yes, she means sex. Idiot.

19:25 KISS! Come on do it! Get it over with!

20:03 And now she’s mad at him? Women, am I right? (I’m not, I’m sorry.)

20:28 This vampire is so dumb that she is jealous of herself.

20:43 Ah man, it’s okay, everyone. Disco lady.

22:14 There’s a second verse!

22:30 Oh, and now he’s dead from blood loss, that’s too bad.

23:11 Um…you missed the bus!

23:36 Oh, screw you, show! Don’t show us her getting spanked!

24:06 Dance party everyone!

24:34 Wait huh?! That ending was even more confusing. Oh well, it says “The End,” so I no longer care!

Verdict: Yeah that was fine. Dramatic, lot of moments that might be touching if I cared about any of these idiots, and at one point they took him to task for being a wishy-washy douche bag, which I was glad to see. Plus, dance party. Sure. Fun. And now I get to do something else!

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