Friday, September 21, 2012

Rosario+Vampire - Episode 25: "Holy Seal and a Vampire"

Ah, Saint Hoover, may he rest in peace. Wait, that’s probably not what they are talking about.

LAST TIME: There was this wacky mirror that forces everyone to convert to their monster side, except the girls, of course, it just made them super horny. Then there were two vampires for a while, and then there weren’t, and suddenly the Great Barrier went down for some reason. I’m sure you are all on pins and needles to find out what that means!

0:31 There is a perfectly serviceable chair over there, lady.

0:57 Yeah, you did that like two minutes ago, it might take a while to kick in.

1:47 Good question! Where is she going? How did she know to come here?

2:58 All of this seems preeeety final for the first three minutes of an episode. We haven’t even seen the credits yet.

3:45 Well I wonder what the rest of the episode is about, since it appears that the vampire just sacrificed herself.

4:26 You know…this song is kinda inappropriate after what we just saw. Still awesome though.

5:25 Yep, everything really wrapped up pretty well! I don’t know why you guys are still here, frankly.

6:13 Did he just get a boner?

6:39 This lady likes kicks!

7:04 That was eight whole seconds of butts. Eight.

7:47 Let’s all stop rubbing our breasts on people, how about that?

8:38 Wait…the other vampire can fly?

9:21 It’s really weird just…walking around and not kicking someone in the face, it’s weird.

10:12 This scene is ridiculous.

10:49 The real question is, what are you guys doing up here if you didn’t realize they would be here?

11:42 This whole “going through the motions” romance doesn’t make any fucking sense!

12:34 Quick question: What’s to stop them from making another rosary and giving it back to the vampire so everything can be okay again?

13:18 Hey, they were just about to explain everything and then they suddenly cut away, big surprise.

13:55 She died for a stupid reason, no bigs.

14:40 Wait, whatever happened to that bicycle? Why was she even riding it on that first day?

15:20 What is it about when you do close-ups of waving ladies that makes them laugh uncontrollably?

16:02 Hey, what are you guys talking about down there?

16:32 Yeah okay boobs, we get it, stop.

17:17 Slow reaction time!

17:35 And so we decided I would marry him without asking for his permission first.

18:04 These students are watching all this crazy bullshit thinking, “Ug, these people and their drama.”

18:42 Why can’t this lady talk? Did they just not feel like hiring another voice actor?

19:40 Which is a completely rational thing to do! I often kill other sentient creatures when I’m mildly perturbed too.

20:02 Great computer graphics, guys.

20:44 Dramatic bike riding. Oh, and some panties, because of course.

21:40 Couldn’t you….just call this guy on the phone? There are phones in the monster world, right?

21:59 No man, just accept the ride on the bus.

23:01 Oh right, the other vampire, yeah sure, whatever.

23:44 Really sappy music, overdramatic speech, and yet STILL FUCKING PANTIES.

Verdict: This episode was weird! They resolve this huge conflict really quickly and then waste our time with a bunch of pointless nonsense and wacky hijinks, and still don’t get around to explaining absolutely anything. Like, say, why did they put the cross on the vampire? Why would that same cross seal the Great Barrier? Where does the cutesy vampire personality even come from? When the fuck will these women realize that he’s just not that into them? When is this over? One more? One more.

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