Friday, September 7, 2012

Rosario+Vampire - Episode 23: "Pretty Boy and a Vampire"

Oh good, we didn’t have enough anime stereotypes at this point. Anything to take the focus off the shitty love hexagon. Everyone fall in love with the grey-haired man-child.

LAST TIME: Everyone goes on a skiing vacation, everyone is obnoxious, and our main character tries to figure out why the younger sister vampire doesn’t like him. Maybe it’s because he has no personality? Naw, can’t be that.

0:20 Haha, shaming strangers sure is fun and easy.

0:37 I can’t understand why nobody likes me. Is it because I talk to myself?

1:07 Well…that was quick.

2:56 As has been written on the screen for twenty seconds now for some reason.

3:16 Ah fuck, none of the girls are at all interested in this new guy. Then why even introduce that element in the first place?

4:03 I think this guy isn’t at all handsome, he just has the power to randomly sparkle.

4:28 Oh dear, they are all going to give him a blowjob. That’s…that’s what you are implying, right?

5:01 “How about a column for stalkers?” How about that!

5:24 Of course there was a banana peel there.

5:36 Is that a Piranha Plant?!

5:55 Woah! Convert them, pretty boy! Convert them all!

6:12 Wait, wait, why was that high jump bar covered in thorns?

6:37 This girl who actively stalks people is upset that someone is stalking her, because hypocrisy is cool.

7:28 “Why did you bounce away, ball?”

7:49 Punch him in the face! I have turned on him!

8:17 Of course a magical spell caused her to suddenly lift up her shirt. That’s expected, right?

9:28 So…this guy is creepy as shit. It is kinda fucked up.

10:15 Soundtrack provided by a Nintendo Entertainment System.

10:28 Boy, I sure am an oblivious idiot, huh?

10:42 Oh fuck, he bought them all uniforms? What? How has this not been shut down already?

11:14 That lady just said asshole!

12:06 As your only male friend, I am totally willing to help you!

12:28 Hahaha! His powers work on dudes!

13:21 Go to someone with authority! The police! The dean! Anyone!

13:53 Wait wait, he did all this so he could host his own stupid concert? The hell?

14:29 Oh my god, lovestruck werewolf dude is probably the funniest thing ever.

15:13 Oh what’s up, Ruby, nice of you to show up.

15:34 And now she is beating the crap out of him! I believe this is kinda the greatest!

16:21 Great shot guys. Totally necessary.

17:13 WAIT WHAT?! OH NO! OH NO! I think I know where this is going and I am excited!

17:55 Stop saying that word! It doesn’t mean anything!

18:13 It’s true! The pretty boy is the fucking bat! Holy crap this is the greatest.

18:49 “Oh holy shit!” Not the thing that happens literally every episode!

20:10 You just got pinballed!

20:23 PFFFFFF. How the hell did he stick his head under BOTH of their skirts?

20:55 Welp! He’s dead.

21:17 And literally everybody faints. Don’t ask how that works.

22:00 “Why in the name of everything holy am I dressed like a bunny?”

22:16 Cat lady seems…completely nonplussed about the situation.

22:58 Yeah, fuck you bat!

24:46 The succubus is still upset that she hasn’t had her own episode yet.

Verdict: Oh man, you guys. I take everything back. That was the funniest episode ever. Oh man, I do not blame you for not watching along but…this episode was a delight. Legitimate twist, some hilarious scenes, and just the wackiest bullshit ever. I’m glad there’s only a few more episodes, because nothing will top that.

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