Friday, August 3, 2012

Rosario+Vampire - Episode 19: "School Trip and a Vampire"

Oh good, another case of them trying to pretend to act human and having no idea how. Fish out of water stories always not completely boring as hell and forced.

LAST TIME: Curry zombies. Still not over how completely ridiculous and awesome that was. Oh, if only every episode was curry zombies.

0:22 That’s not how a parking lot works.

0:48 Oh cool, Master Blaster is here.

1:31 Buh, okay, I guess those four idiots are the new bad guys? Whatever, disco lady.

3:21 HAHAHAHA! What a crap joke, and it was kinda great.

3:44 People are calling the main character jack-ass. I like that.

4:27 The succubus is assuming that she will get a lead role because it’s “her turn” in the series. Metajoke!

5:06 Those fish actually hate the hell out of food.

5:41 In other news, the little sister was run over by a bus!

6:14 Skeleton. Little skeleton.

6:32 Seriously guy, just…just tell them all to step off.

6:50 Tough guys can’t be mean to ladies, because they are attractive.

7:19 Panty shot, but you knew that.

7:50 Maybe stop running into people and being complete dicks, tough guys.

8:32 Ice girl would totally be cool with an orgy.

8:46 Oh dang, nudity I suppose.

9:38 Here’s some crappy CGI, in case boobs weren’t good enough for you.

9:54 That man died from all of his blood leaving his nose.

10:35 Why did she kick her in the face? That seemed…unnecessary.

11:20 Wait, it’s a trap. Maybe you should have clarified what you guys were going to do before agreeing to it.

11:33 Come on, everything she wears is slutty.

12:15 I guess the teachers always get drunk of school trips in Japan? In literally everything I’ve seen that appears to be the case.

13:06 Which is completely reasonable, because you people apparently love each other and there are three terrible monsters who won’t stop trying to make out with him.

13:43 Hug it out, guys.

14:13 No seriously, what the? Who were those people and why did they kidnap that guy?

14:35 Look what you’re wearing, pot!

15:21 Did they dress in dumb costumes because someone suggested they look more like a manga?

16:11 Isn’t this like the second time she had to fight the fat guy?

16:27 This guy likes ‘em big.

16:53 He threw pillows at her.

17:27 Oh no she spouted gibberish and beat me somehow.

17:56 “You there, I’m expressing my utter disbelief. What are you doing there?”

18:13 His ultimate attack appears to be taking off her clothes.

18:51 What the hell is this magic yo-yo she apparently has?

19:27 Of course their heavy hitter is a hot chick.

19:43 Oh wait, never mind, it’s the little sister, who apparently took over the gang somehow?

19:59 Maybe let’s stop calling each other bitch. It’s rude.

20:34 He didn’t even intentionally take it off this time. He fucking tripped and it just kinda got pulled off.

21:14 Team Rocket is really sick of this gag.

21:37 Also, they aren’t allowed to be in their monster form in the school either. Wait, when CAN they be monsters?

22:40 They just made her the leader of the gang, and a bunch of random yahoos are taking pictures for some reason.

23:51 The lyrics to this song are dumb, just letting you know.

24:40 The decisive battle is going to happen in the bathroom. Bathroom.

Verdict: That one was more stupid bananas than usual. I didn’t find the whole gang thing funny at all, and it really hammered home how absolutely awful these three other girls are for constantly trying to get in the main character’s pants. Girls, seriously, maybe he’s just not that into you. He obviously likes the vampire lady, let them be.

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