Friday, July 29, 2011

Sekirei - Episode 8: "The Sealed Capital City"

That’s true! That’s a true statement right there in the title. I don’t have to argue with it at all. Oh man, what a relief. Now I don’t have to complain about anything ever again.

LAST TIME: Phase Two of the Sekirei Initiative was put into effect, and for some reason we didn’t get to see any of it. Instead we watched more domestic nonsense, a weird flashback, and the new villain walking around being all smarmy and shit. That’s it. So maybe there will be a fight or something in this one? Or who knows, maybe our heroes spend the entire time hiding in their house. That will be fun to watch.

0:43 Um, too late. She already looked back. I saw her do it.

0:56 Yeah, who the hell is this asshole, with his big dumb Edward Scissorhands? The Blue Sekirei? He’s not wearing blue!

1:12 What? You want to run straight past the guy with giant knives on his hands? You crazy?

1:24 How did they get off the bridge?

3:16 Guys, get it together. The episode translator calls the episode “The Closed Capital.”

And we are cleaning it in our bathing suits because…

That’s an unusual and sexist request. (Also, how can he fail to stare at breasts?)


What? Since when? The first Sekirei fight we saw didn’t play by those rules.

5:49 And they flashbacked to the same scene in which they didn’t do what they said they were supposed to!

6:20 Hey! It’s What’s-her-Name’s boy owner! He appears to be in a coma.

6:44 Okay…I was kidding last time when I said I hope she was in a mouse costume for absolutely no reason. What the why?

7:42 She? What? She bonded with…a lady? (eyebrow)

9:23 Why the hell would she be crying? It’s not like it is an extremely depressing scene.

9:58 What the hell are you guys staring at? And why are you on fire?

10:23 Fist shake.

10:41 Yeah, I always lie on the floor like that too when I’m thinking. Makes it easier to stare straight up the dress of any of my ladyslaves that walk in on me.

11:24 And…here’s our daily dose of nonsense praise while standing around in the dark.

12:21 That was a legitimately funny reaction, for no particular reason. Very Agent Tethers.

12:49 AH! Bear!

13:17 Yes, there is exactly three drops of blood on her pants. That’s a reason for concern.

13:40 Jesus. That was beyond overboard. Just straight up staring at a lady talking her panties off.

14:22 It would be totally awesome if at one point, one of these ladies just walked up to another while in the shower and broke her seal, taking her out of the game right then and there. At least that would make them CONSTANTLY BEING NAKED a plot point.

15:32 Ah jeez, these two haven’t kissed yet? Come on!

Wait, this pretty boy is looking for the 10-year-old girl? Boy, it sure would kill a lot of tension if the sister would just visit her brother.

17:46 OH NO! Really? The ditzy girl who just hangs around the house is really the lady shrouded in bandages? Didn’t see that coming.

18:48 The fuck? Why are these two fighting?

19:00 Oh. For fun. Great.

Wait a minute, how do I get off this roof? How did I get up here?

19:27 Hey dick! You’ve been running for what has to be two days straight. She's going to be tired.

19:47 How is her bandages standing up like that?

20:25 W…h…at… is that red symbol near her crouch, and why can I see it?

21:30 Hey, it’s flower lady. What the hell are you doing here? Maybe show up more than 30 seconds before the credits for once?

23:33 OVERABUNDANT PHEROMONES? That’s Flower Lady’s power? How is making dudes horny different from half the goddamn sekirei we’ve seen so far? Also, who introduces new characters during the “Next Episode” teaser?

Verdict: I enjoyed the twist! It suddenly and unexpectedly cast a one-note character as a villain with problems and stuff. Sure, there’s absolutely no reason for our main cast to be hunting her down, but a fight in which neither side really wants to win, throwing into confusion the whole point of this dark game, worth seeing. Too bad it looks like it’s going to be completely interrupted by some chick whose only power seems pointless considering how all the Sekirei look. Oh well. Tiny victories I guess.

*Sekirei is available on Netflix InstantWatch and Hulu. Sekirei is property of Sakurako Gokurakuin/Square Enix and the SEKIREI Project.

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