Friday, July 8, 2011

Sekirei - Episode 5: “The Water Sekirei”

Because we’re already met the Plant Sekirei, the Lightning Sekirei, the Computer Sekirei, and the Boob Sekirei. Okay, so I guess they’re all Boob Sekirei.

LAST TIME: So…our hero now has two women at his beck and call, although one is a 9-year-old girl who seems to do nothing but be scared of stuff, so that’s less helpful. Although there is a third woman who is spying on him that apparently can control space lasers, and she’s just ambushed him naked. Oh, and his sister found a pretty boy, whatever the hell that means.

0:23 Tits already! We haven’t gotten to the opening title credit.

2:13 What happened to her clothes? The same thing that always happens to her clothes!

2:46 Um…you don’t count the grandmother when you’re counting how many people are in the family.

3:20 What? How did she not see the girl practically draped across his chest?

4:15 You have a strict no sex rule at this boarding house? The only people who live here are sex androids!

5:20 Kick out kick out kick out.

5:48 How are you doing? Comfortable? Because your outfit looks goddamn ridiculous.

6:15 Blah blah blah just get with the fight scene.

6:28 What? This guy/girl is a sekirei?

7:03 Oh shit, a small fire! It’s time to flee!

7:34 In case you were sick of overly sexualized women, here’s an overly sexualized dude that looks like a woman.

8:09 BAHAHA! That’s the biggest problem with fire powers, your cell phone will occasionally burst into flames!

8:42 Panty shot, take a drink.

8:57 Talk normal, crazy lady. And put a shirt on.

9:42 Actually, if I can pierce through her insane speech patterns, it appears she plans to kill the hero. So she has my vote!

10:32 What are you two doing in here?! There will be no breakfast for you. (Also, if sex is not allowed, why are you allowing the hero and his first girlfriend to sleep in the same room?)


11:53 Oh dear, lesbian tendencies.

12:13 Yep, from now on, I’m not going to hide anymore! Forget about all those reasons I was hiding in the first place.

12:20 Wait, I thought they were denied breakfast because of whatever last night. Continuity!

13:22 A dream? Was that why everything was in sepia tones?

13:43 In case you had forgotten who this person was, here is her face. She never shows her breasts, so we forgive you for forgetting about her.

14:30 What the? Why did you suddenly start talking about the plot in a dark room?

15:37 Wait, you never answered his question! All you did was make goo-goo eyes at him.

16:53 Ah, the titular water sekirei. (Get it? Titular?)

17:26 What happened to you? Why do you have a poo on your head?

17:55 “Use your words as your fists.”


19:08 Why did you throw that cat off the roof, you jerk?

19:56 A character actually shouted “Lightning Bolt!”

20:55 Let’s go ahead and talk about this dead husband some more, so the audience is absolutely guaranteed that he will eventually return.

21:29 And here’s a picture of a woman having an orgasm.

21:56 Oh sure, keep this up. Keep with the pointless cliffhangers. We’ve seen the end song featuring the full cast four times already. We know that she joins the team and does not actually kill the hero.

23:40 Wait hey! There was like 40 seconds of side plot with the sister and the pretty boy, in which absolutely nothing happened. And according to this preview, they are still sitting on the fucking floor? Hasn’t it been days?

Verdict: That was paced a bit better, and it did offer some goddamn crazy moments that made me burst into laughter, if only because of how stupid they were. But it looks like they are still building the main cast. Hopefully they’ll wrap it up and get into real fights already. Also, what is with the main character having four sekirei? Will they actually have to fight each other eventually?

*Sekirei is available on Netflix InstantWatch and Hulu. Sekirei is property of Sakurako Gokurakuin/Square Enix and the SEKIREI Project.

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