Monday, July 18, 2011

FlashForward - Episode 7: "The Gift”

One person gets a watch chain, one person gets some combs, everyone is disappointed, especially me.

LAST TIME: The kid with the problems suddenly shows up at the FBI family house, and get everything all stirred up, and I could not be more bored with their lives. Also, Dmitri and Black FBI Agent who still doesn't have a subplot yet find a couple of bodies whose hands have been painted blue. Surely, this is significant. This episode, they will surely explain the Yukuza from Episode 5. SURELY.

0:52 People still sail ships at fountains? I thought that went out of fashion when it became a plot point in Stuart Little.

1:20 Go to everyone. It will redirected you to!

1:41 How not to greet the person you’re having sex with: Lesson 4.

3:25 Where exactly are they having this nerdy banter?

4:37 I cannot get over how the scene outside the window of that flashforward looks like a matte painting. I wish they would stop showing it to us.

6:58 What’s up, stranger? Thanks for giving me a knife! Let’s hug it out!

8:12 For some reason, they made a completely separate website for all those dudes who didn’t have a flash forward. So many plot points revolve around websites.

8:25 “A death club, with bullets.” As opposed to all the other death clubs.

8:53 Oh man, I hate websites that play a sound file without my consent.

9:56 And then, I looked at what the prop department determined was a bird corpse, but it didn’t look very convincing.

10:35 Did something happen? Or rather, did something will happen? (Precognition is confusing)

12:39 OH! Dick move! You do not talk to a lady that way, Dmitri.

13:07 Intern conference? What do they talk about, how to successfully be ignored and underappreciated?

13:43 Yes, this lady speaks Japanese, despite not looking at all like she should know Japanese. Is she really into anime?

14:32 The fuck are these bros doing? Can you look like you’re at work?

15:06 When in doubt, affect an Italian accent.

16:05 In a show that could afford it, this role would be played by Christopher Walken.

17:13 It’s funny, because the bullet literally says “Not Today” on it. No seriously, why the FBI investigating this cult?

17:37 “What can I get you?” Well, I can get YOU a shirt.

19:59 Can I show you something? I’m kind of a anime fanboy. Can you put on this flame accented bikini?

20:34 No, no, there is no kanji that involved filling in a column with dark space. It’s all lines.

22:03 Wait, the bad guys have the weapon Tony Stark was selling in Iron Man?

What? This guy was in a rendition of Flashdance?

24:12 I’m sure there’s a very good reason for the FBI breaking up this death cult.

His nickname is Blue Hands? Well that’s convenient.

26:12 What if you don't die by April 29? Won’t you feel exactly like Harold Camping?

27:47 Yes, those two figures are completely opposite each other. Except Marilyn Manson isn’t actually that scary, so your simile sucks.

29:05 Oh this shitty cartoon. Can we stop watching it? Please?

30:02 I’m happy! That explains why I have this pained look on my face.

30:27 Wait wait. Is this a flashBACK? Sir, there can only be flashforwards in this show called FlashForward.

32:25 I heard everything you said, but I’m going to ignore you.

34:13 Here you go. A crappy orange vest. Thanks for your help.

34:25 OH hey! What’s up chick that we established from the ‘last episode’ segment? Is this literally your only involvement this episode? Helping a dude with his problems? (Not a very feminist show) (Also, how do these people know each other?)

“Hey, I left something on your desk.” You would have discovered that once you went to your desk, but I’ll tell you about it now.

37:12 Does Black FBI Agent finally gets to embellish his backstory?

38:00 AL? The Black FBI Agent’s name is Al?


39:54 THE FUCK?! That black FBI guy without a plot just killed himself?! But…but…the rules! The rules established by the series! You can’t do that! Stop making me care!

41:20 And…here’s Charlie, for no reason but to remind you that he still exists.

42:19 What the? Beardo is seeing ghosts now?

Verdict: HOLY SHIT is that a game changer of an episode. A guy who has been established as having a flashforward killed himself and nothing can be trusted now. I don’t want to seem like I care, but, I am kinda curious what happens. Sure, there wasn’t a lot of buildup to that moment, but, you know, game changer!

*FlashForward is available on Netflix InstantWatch and Hulu. FlashForward is property of the American Broadcasting Company.

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