Friday, July 15, 2011

Sekirei - Episode 6: "Maison Izumo Flower War"

Flower War? Are they going to be playing Hanafuda in this episode? Because at least that would make a small amount of sense, as opposed to the usual complete nonsense the title means. Also, again with the out-of-nowhere French. The word is “House.” Look it up.

LAST TIME: The hero reluctantly accepts another Sekirei, and already personalities are clashing. And it turns out there’s another hot chick who wants to kill him! Oh boy, what an awful awful situation for him. Also some subplots that don’t involve nudity, so who cares?

0:16 How did those bolts of water cause an explosion?

0:31 The little girl gave up really quickly.

0:58 The angry sekirei just went ahead and assumed our hero was a pedophile. Can’t really argue with her.

1:10 The camera just zoomed in for the panty shot for no good reason.

2:44 Still haven’t figured out who the fifth chick in the opening pose is. Lady with the flower power.

3:15 Yes, you really need a violent psychopath on your team. That’ll go over well.

4:20 I had almost forgotten where the cat came from.

4:38 Are they going to bang right there on the roof?! Roof threesome?

5:22 Why the hell are they freaking out? All they did was kiss…

5:58 Yeah, just standing on a telephone pole. Don’t have anything really important going on.

6:49 Doofus! Don’t just stand there! Elemental lady fight is going on.

7:17 Okay, this is super rapey.

8:29 Ah, so goofy other guy just got electrocuted to death.

9:16 I can’t really put my hand over my heart because these huge breasts are in the way.

9:45 This is a classy lady. She refuses to kiss and become a superhero before marriage.

10:30 Excuse me ma’am, how the hell did you make your cloak move like that. There’s no wind here.

11:26 Haha, he totally forgot about one of them! Because if you can’t see all the women you own, they don’t exist!

12:21 Hurray! Coming home celebration! I’ma raise my hands for no reason!

13:17 Oh Christ! Women’s butts don’t look like that! How have you not fallen over?!

13:46 No sex, no violence. Next she’s going to ban rock and roll.

14:10 How did she know? Literally EVERYONE YOU HAVE MET knows about sekirei!

14:55 I’d give her a hard time for not figuring out that this guy is the same guy she met before, but since there are two other dude ladies that look just like him…

16:20 WHAT? Girls don’t nosebleed!

16:52 Why the hell are you naked in a void? Is that your brain?

17:30 He’s willing to bang me, huh?

18:17 This is rapidly become an episode of Big Love.

18:33 Why are you touching your bangs like that? Nobody does this.

19:10 Sekirei….IN 3-D!!!!

19:38 Welp, it’s been too long. How about some nakedness, huh? (Take a drink)

20:34 “All of you chose me, a guy without any qualities at all.” It’s almost as if this is patently ridiculous.

21:35 GUYS! It’s time! Something is about to happen!

21:58 Phase two of the Sekirei plan starts now! Oh wait, I guess it starts next week.

22:48 How does that even make any sense? Those two aren’t even HIS Sekirei. Why do they keep reanimating this creepy creepy scene?

23:40 “Hey guys, I’m not wearing any panties!” The entire show can just be someone shouting that for 22 minutes.

Verdict: Okay finally! The gang’s all here and something is supposed to happen apparently. Although the shenanigans are starting to get just too overwrought. They are throwing in nudity without any point now. Also annoyed that the only female character I can stand gets about 45 seconds of development every episode.  I want to know what’s going on with the sister! She actually manages to be a positive, high-spirited, intelligent character with a weird pretty boy fetish, and she is handling the stupid situation she’s tossed in fairly well.

Wait, did I just admit to liking one of the characters in this stupid goddamn ecchi show? Also, where the fuck was the flower war?

*Sekirei is available on Netflix InstantWatch and Hulu. Sekirei is property of Sakurako Gokurakuin/Square Enix and the SEKIREI Project.

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