Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Issue 4: "The Long Way Home Part 4"

Yeah, those are what those characters look like. Good job. Although I am not sure her thumb is exactly is the right spot. I don’t know, I’ve never held a person before.

LAST TIME: Willow shows up and stops the zombies by making them dance, apparently, and they capture Amy and wake up Buffy. However, it was a trap, and Amy captures Willow so she can be tortured by that guy she killed. Oh, and some minor character shows up and is pointless.

Page 1, Panel 1: So…it took me four issues to figure out that this page was actually a page of the comic, with content and stuff. Mainly because it’s boring stuff like the words “Bored Now.”

Page 2, Panel 3: Oh, okay, that’s how he’s still alive. Because Amy saved him for some reason.

Page 2, Panel 4: Gross…nobody ever use the term fresh trim ever.

Page 3, Panel 3: Wait…she’s not? How is she standing? If she is still only as strong as she was when she was normal-sized, she would be dead.

Page 5, Panel 1: It’s implied that these are all Slayers, right? How can some of them know magic? Magic isn’t in the Slayer skillset.

Page 6, Panel 3: UM. What on Earth are we looking at? Who are these people? And what are they talking about?
Page 7, Panel 1: I know, I’m sorry, I just can’t let you guys see the horrifying torture I’m doing. Tots sorry.
Page 7, Panel 4: UGGG this joke doesn’t even make sense. So what if she’s a history major?

Page 8, Panel 1: We get it, Asian girl has a great haircut! (Second time they’ve mentioned it.)

Page 8, Panel 4: Haha, lip gloss.
Page 9, Panel 1: Oh okay, these are elementals on an astral plane that Willow’s mind is hiding in to avoid the horrific torture. Don’t know why they didn’t introduce them with this panel.

Page 10, Panel 3: Xander’s officially a watcher now? Well, I guess the watchers don’t exist anymore, so sure, call him whatever.
Page 11, Panel 3: Oh no a pink laser!

Page 12, Panel 1: They blew up the dumb laser machine by having the laser hit a mirror. What a bunch of dummies.

Page 14, Panel 2: Well, that went well, military guys.

Page 15, Panel 2: I really suck at walking!

Page 15, Panel 5: Hey lady what’s ya doing? Making a golem of some kind?

Page 16, Panel 1: It’s raining men, halleluyah.

Page 16, Panel 4: Wait, Willow can possess Buffy and grant her magic? Well, shit.
Page 16, Panel 5: See you later, golem they couldn’t even bother to show!

Page 17, Panel 6: Oh Jesus they just blew her up with a grenade.

Page 18, Panel 3: Nevermind, she can teleport. And the bad guys get away again.

Page 19, Panel 1: Wait, wasn’t she being sliced open? Well, who cares, hurray! Willow’s okay!

Page 19, Panel 3: She’s almost out of white magic spell slots.

Page 19, Panel 6: Ah, okay, that explains it kinda maybe. Ethan was being held prisoner here, and…I guess this dead body has been laying here for weeks? No, the Ethan part still doesn’t make sense.

Page 20, Panel 1: WELP! He’s dead!

Page 20, Panel 5: Ahha! That mark! I see! I guess!

Page 21, Panel 1: Is there any significance to the fact that the threat they keep talking about is called “Twilight,” right around the time when Twilight the phenomenon started creeping in on Buffy’s sexy vampire game? Maybe…

Page 21, Panel 4: Let’s throw in a little misogyny, shall we? (And, conversely, unwarranted accusation of misogyny.)

Page 21, Panel 6: Oh no that is not good. HUMANITY just declared war on the Slayers.
Page 22, Panel 4: And Buffy accepts oh no!

Verdict: Okay this is interesting! While all the wackiness and mildly rushed storytelling still makes me think, what? (How on Earth were we supposed to figure out that’s where Ethan was?) I think as a full-on mission statement, this is pretty huge! Where are you going with this, Whedon?

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