Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Issue 3: "The Long Way Home Part 3"

I am trying to focus on the non-sexy parts of this cover so…black fingernails, Willow? Really?

LAST TIME: The Slayer Castle gets attacked by zombies and Buffy is out-of-commission due to some Sleeping Beauty spell cast by Amy. A bunch of talking also happens, and then Willow shows up.

Page 2, Panel 1: WHO? Don’t make me go to Wikipedia so quickly, comic book. (Oh, it’s that one wizard douchebag from early in the series that you probably forgot about. You know, the guy who did the Halloween thing.)

Page 2, Panel 4: Well, that makes sense. Dreamspaces are totally different than dreams.

Page 2, Panel 6: Um…no. This explanation is stupid. How exactly are you always dreaming every possible dream? Wouldn’t that take up way too much memory space? In your brain?

Page 3, Panel 2: They got notes from the fanfic writers for this image.

Page 4, Panel 1: Magic Fight! Just weird colors everywhere!

Page 6, Panel 2: Hey, um, gross bugs. You’re being covered in gross bugs.

Page 7, Panel 2: This goes beyond ridiculous. This isn’t even funny ridiculous. Willow just cast a spell that made all the zombies stop fighting and instead asking the Slayers to dance.

Page 8, Panel 1: Oh no! She’s being derezzed!

Page 9, Panel 1: DURF.

Page 10, Panel 1: Language, young lady. Also, did she get bigger somehow? How can she full on step on a person?

Page 10, Panel 3: I just told all those jokes, comic book. Keep up.

Page 11, Panel 1: Because Amy used to a mouse, you see.

Page 11, Panel 4: Buffy used to have a dragon? Man, I really need to watch Seasons 6 and 7.

Page 11, Panel 6: Hey guys, remember that completely forgettable Vin Diesel movie XXX? Well Joss Whedon remembers.

Page 13, Panel 3: This seems needlessly convoluted! Also, wouldn’t it be obvious who it is when they are standing in a different place when Buffy walks up?

Page 13, Panel 6: Yeah, sure, cinnamon buns.

Page 14, Panel 1: So…what the fuck is this about? What is that thing? Why is Giles just chatting it up? What’s with all the skulls???

Page 15, Panel 5: This one guy I don’t recognize is playing strip poker with some ladies! Good work, however you are. (Also, real cute putting someone reading Fray in the background.)

Page 16, Panel 1: Man there are sure are a ton of Slayers in this castle. What do they do all day? What do they eat? Who is paying for this operation?

Page 16, Panel 6: That’s, uh, not a compliment. But sure, whatever, when do these characters make out?

Page 17, Panel 2: You know, one of these days, Willow is going to need to actually say what’s up instead of just saying she will eventually say what’s up.

Page 17, Panel 3: Oh no they murdered Willow’s love interest again!

Page 17, Panel 4: Oh wait, I guess not. Apparently someone can just…die for a little while.

Page 18, Panel 4: Oh these characters sure have fun.

Page 19, Panel 5: Nice timing, Ackbar.

Page 22, Panel 1: OH NO IT IS THAT GUY! Who…probably shouldn’t still be alive? I mean, he is kind of missing all of his flesh. All of it.

Verdict: So…how many more random characters are going to reappear suddenly and for seemingly no reason? This is starting to feel a bit Star Wars prequels. Sure, Amy is a believable if unnecessary threat, but what the hell is Ethan Rayne doing here? He doesn’t even actually do anything.

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