Friday, November 2, 2012

Moeyo Ken - Episode 5: "Make My Heart Race"

Can this show stop coming on to me? It’s just getting creepy at this point. Listen, anime, I’m just not that into you. I’m sorry!

LAST TIME: Our main idiot becomes a sponsor to a prostitute by suggesting she do the can-can instead of her crappy stand-up routine. Also a bunch of nonsense and maybe the prostitute murdered a bunch of people? It got way too wacky for me to really track what was actually going on.

0:13 Ug…the lack of a cold open means I have jackshit to talk about for a full minute and a half. So, how are you guys doing? You comfortable?

1:47 Cat Lady sure does get an amazing amount of play, despite being an extremely minor character.

2:11 Am I suddenly watching Les Mis? I literally can’t tell the difference! Because I’m an idiot!

Also, apparently our plot is to stage operettas? Maybe get a better plot?

3:42 Hey guys, you are done with your shitty stage play, you can stop acting so wooden on purpose.

Wait, what?! Why is Paul Lynde cat tied to a rack?

Oh no he didn’t mean “sock!”

5:38 And…Paul Lynde cat is eating his head. Sure. Yeah. WHATEVER!

6:16 Oh good, I’m not the only one who can’t understand her shitty Southern accent.

What the hell am I doing here? What the hell am I even doing?

7:32 Please don’t throw tiny pictures at me!

Wait, he was upset about the word “hole?”

8:34 Oh hey, how’s it going, lady? Notice how we have been handcuffed?

9:02 No no, it obviously is a bull. It has horns and everything.

9:43 This plan might be a lot better if the possibility that these characters might die wasn’t at minimum 30%.

I am a fucking drunk leprechaun!

Wait, is this lady suddenly a robot? How why?

11:58 “Hey, by some chance, did you go and use that thingy?”

12:26 Maybe turn left or something!

13:09 Team Rocket is blah blah blah who cares.

13:37 And we are at the opera for some reason.

14:29 This giant minotaur apparently has nothing better to do? Why is he following these people specifically?

Ah, the AT-AT Sublimation routine. It’s a good trick.

16:30 Ug, will these idiots make out already? I don’t actually care, but then maybe we can have another subplot maybe.

17:34 Apparently Paul Lynde cat gets a pass, even though he was also just standing there like an asshole.

18:15 DURF!

Wait, when did the minotaur shrink to handheld size?

18:55 Welp, they’re dead!

Paul Lynde cat is really enpasse about his superpowers. Oh also, he apparently died once? The hell? And he can bring people back to life? Kinda concerned!

20:34 Mother? Wait, your mother is a robot that looks exactly like you? No, no wait. Go back. Explain EVERYTHING.

21:20 She was apparently super lazy!

21:42 This is the dumbest thing! No really, what the hell?!

Even though I have numerous reasons to hate you, we still like you!


Wait…so…one of the girl’s mother is a robot, and another’s mother is a black cat? Are any of these women birthed by an actual human?

Verdict: That made significantly less sense than I am used to? Robots? Operas? Resurrection spells? I…I really have no idea what the hell is going on anymore.

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