Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Issue 5: "The Chain"

Oh no was Buffy Tom Cruise the whole time? Do people still get Mission: Impossible references?

LAST TIME: Buffy saves Willow from a dude with no skin, and also completely wrecks a military base. Oh, and apparently all of humanity has declared war on her. ALL OF IT.

Page 1, Panel 1: Present!

Page 2, Panel 1: Oh, oh no. I am totally sure this is happening. Yep, she’s totally dead.

Page 3, Panel 1: What’s up random football player. Please don’t be so rude, I was just in a cave with demons.

Page 3, Panel 2: And now there’s a magical fairy. Okay, lost again, what on Earth is going on?

Page 4, Panel 2: Ah…the fairy loves Buffy.

Page 5, Panel 4: Well it’s about time someone punched her. Even if it was an invisible person.

Page 6, Panel 1: Ah, she was becoming a slayer. Okay. And hey, this is trippy.

Page 7, Panel 4: Wait, did the Slayers really release a commercial to recruit the other Slayers? And for some reason made it a 1950’s-style infomercial?

Page 7, Panel 5: They even have a hotline?

Page 9, Panel 1: And this here is an ugly vampire. Neat, huh? Anyway, on to the next part of the tour.

Page 9, Panel 3: Oh, I’ve figured it out. This is one of the fake Buffy Summers, not the real one. (Well, I probably could have assumed that from Page 2).

Page 10, Panel 2: That goblin’s hand came clean off!

Page 11, Panel 2: Hey! Don’t talk over Giles. I want to hear what he has to say.

Page 11, Panel 6: Gross, he’s wearing a mesh shirt, of course he’s a vampire.

Page 12, Panel 2: Wait…did she leap up from under the vampire to punch him in the jaw? Why was she on the ground? Why punch him like that? Wouldn’t literally any other approach be better?

Page 12, Panel 3: See! You just left your neck wide open. If you had just regular punched him this wouldn’t have happened.

Page 13, Panel 1: These two girls are really shouty.

Page 14, Panel 1: Haha, Buffy has big boobs.

Page 14, Panel 2: You made that joke in the first issue and I thought it was stupid then.

Page 15, Panel 3: Hey thanks lady, now I’ve got that insecurity eating at me. Thanks for bringing it up.

Page 15, Panel 4: Is she high? Am I high? Because she is covered in slugs and there are fairies everywhere.

Page 16, Panel 1: Oh, and now one of the slugs is talking. Yep, I’m high.

Page 16, Panel 3: Great observation, fairy. Very racist.

Page 17, Panel 2: I almost want to get a poster made of this panel, because it is so insane.

Page 18, Panel 3: Then suddenly truck! Let me just kick this table out of the way!

Page 19, Panel 1: WHUMP.

Page 20, Panel 3: Get these damn slugs off me!

Page 21, Panel 2: Back-up? What took you guys so long?

Page 22, Panel 1: Ah…that’s sad. She died.

Verdict: Ah dang that was filler. I really wanted to see what happened next in the real story, not see a bunch of weird fairies and slug people. Don’t set up the shot if you aren’t going to dunk! (Man, I might have to go buy the second volume…)

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